5 Misconception About Keeping Dog As Pet At Home

A dog is a man best friend. A dog is a loyal creature, if trained well can provide you with security, a dog is also cute, and the dog can also become a lifelong companion. A dog is also one of the most popular pet to have at home and no wonder that there are […]

4 Dog Behavior That Are Related to Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Dogs are always known to be a loyal companion to human and no wonder that dog becomes one of the most popular pet nowadays. In these modern days where there is already a very good treatment for our dogs and advanced veterinary knowledge, there are still many myths surrounding dogs. There are many myths about […]

7 Popular Myths About Dog Around the World That Most People Still Believe

There are many popular myths surrounding about dog around the world, and many of these myths are sometimes not true at all. Some myths might sound really familiar to you, but some of these myths might sound really strange and hilarious to you. To separate myths from the truth, firstly we need to know many […]

5 Warning Signs That You Must Take Your Dog To The Vet

Are you worried about your dog health? Your dog seems acting up odd, and doing unusual things your dog rarely do? Are you confused should you take your dog to the vets or it isn’t necessary for you to bring your pets to the vets? If you are confused about whether you should take your […]

How To Train A Dog To Be Home Alone

If you are a dog owner who must spend hours outside, you must deal with the dilemma between going out for money and stay at home cheering up your dog. But every dog owner knows that keeping a dog isn’t free isn’t it? If your dog is a stray dog, you might want to read […]

Is It Necessarry To Groom Your Dog At Professional Dog Grooming?

The answer of is it necessary to groom your dog at professional dog grooming is YES and NO. There are times when you need to bring your dog to professional groomer and when you don’t. It depends on many reasons like your dogs type, the circumstance of your house, the weather and how much money […]

8 Tips To Teach Your Puppy Not To Be Afraid Staying Alone In The House

Having your first dog is an amazing feeling especially when you looking at his super cute wide eyes and little squeaky voice. However, you need to leave your dog alone at home everyday. Having that dilema, you want to find the best solution for the problem. So here are 8 tips how to teach your […]

4 Reasons Your Dog is Suddenly Lethargic and Weak

It is very easy to know that something is wrong when your usual energetic good dog is suddenly become tired, with no mood to play at all, and just want to lay down all day. Sometimes, a dog can get into lethargic state, a state where dog suddenly become lazy, tired, and don’t have any […]

Your Dog Suddenly Seems Tired? Here Are 6 Causes

Your dog suddenly seems tired, don’t want to play with you, and your dog seems just to want to sleep and lay down on the floor? That means your dog might be lethargic. Lethargy in a dog means sluggishness, dullness or drowsiness that usually you see in your dog. You might think that it is […]

How To Help A Dog Adjust With A New Family

Having a dog is the most amazing and pleasant thing that we could ever imagine as an owner. Dogs known for their loyalty and lovely personality, that is why many people choose to take them as a pet, whether you take them as a puppy or adopted an older dog. It still extremely rewarding feeling […]