Warning Signs That Your Dog Might Get Fungal Infection On Skin

Fungal infection or yeast infection is the most common skin disease for dogs. This skin problems for a pet is mostly harmless, however, if you ignore the fungal infection on your lovely pets, it can grow into much more dangerous yeast or fungal infection. To prevent much more harm being done to your dogs, you […]

Many Owner Aren’t realize These Skin Problems Might Attack Their dog

Skin problems are quite common medical problems for a pet dog. A dog can be quite prone to skin problems like infection, inflammation, scabies, and many more. Many owners don’t even realize that their lovely canine is suffering from these skin problems. If you don’t keep your dog’s hygiene then your dog might be more […]

5 Medical Reasons Your Pet Dog Might Be Itching

Itchy skin or in veterinary term is pruritus is a common medical problem for mammals pet like canine or cat, however, dog is more prone to get this medical problem. Some people might think that itchy skin in their dog isn’t really a big deal however, If not treated carefully, it can lead to many […]

How to Make Your Dog Adaptable to its surrounding

Dog is an amazing creature, very brave, loyal, and especially cute. No wonder dog becomes one of the most popular pet in the world. People love to get a dog, and getting a dog is an amazing experience. You can get a new dog by buying them in a pet shop, trusted breeders, adopt it […]

8 Common Situations That Makes a Dog Keeps Barking

Barking is natural behaviour and form of communication for dogs, along with howling, growling, whining, yipping, and yelping. Dogs barking have so many meanings, such as to show that they are happy, scared, bored, want something, to alert people, etc. There are some dog breeds that have the tendency to bark more than other breeds, […]

7 Ways to Choose the Right Dog Collar for Your Dog

Dog collar is material that put around the dog’s neck. It has many purposes, such as for dog’s identification, fashion, restraining, training, etc. There are many options, designs, and materials of dog’s collar. When you choose collar for your dog, you must want it to be the best choice. The ideal collar is easy to […]

10 Most Preferred Dog Collars in 2019

collar is one of equipment for dogs. Dog wearing dog collar for many reasons, to have identity or to be attached with leash so dog owner can control the dog when walking or to train it. Anyone who has a dog should have at least one dog collar. There are also dog owners who have […]

14 Delicious Foods That Actually Are Toxic for Your Dog

Even though dog eat meat, it doesn’t mean that you can give your dog all foods that people eat. Dogs are not used to eat some foods that we eat, they can actually harmful and toxic if eaten by dog. Even though the food is delicious or good for you. There are some of your […]

10 Dangerous Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Puppy

Puppies tend to less discriminating what they try to eat. That’s why it’s important for puppy owners to keep an eye on what their puppies eat. There are some foods that are good for people, but actually are dangerous if eaten by puppy. It can cause health problems for puppies, even lead to death. To […]

5 Homemade Diets to Feed Your Sick Dog

When your dog is sick, you can help your dog feeling better by giving him good foods. For example, dog that have digestive tract problems, such as vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, or upset stomach, needs more nutrition, but usually is difficult to digest the food. Dog with nausea, gas, allergies, diabetes, kidneys or organ’s problems, […]