Animal A-Z

8 Beautiful Animals that Live in the North Pole

Have you ever heard about some animals that live in the North Pole? The North Pole is a land located in the Arctic that is surrounded by ice. An animal living around there, both in the water and the ice land, looks similar to some animals that live at the South Pole.

Most animals that live in the North Pole have a specific type that makes them capable to adapt into the extreme cold of the Arctic. They are popular as the arctic animals that living there for many decades.

If you are wondering what kind of beautiful animals live at the North Pole, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Polar Bears

Polar bears are one of the animals that live at the North Pole, which can live both in the water and the land. They have thicker fur that is different from common mammals.

Polar bears mostly live around the water to catch some smaller fish as their main diet. They love to dive deep in the water even though the temperature is almost frozen there. They are typical of the biggest polar bears eating fish in the ice land of the North Pole.

As the North Pole gets warmer, it can be a sign of danger for polar bears. They would hardly find a home to live in and fish for food. Not surprisingly that some of them escape to the human area the nearest place to the North Pole.

2. Arctic Fox

The Arctic fox is one of the animals that live in the North Pole that is categorized as a predator. This kind of fox has a unique transformative color which changes depending on the seasons at the North Pole.

Arctic fox commonly has a white color during winter but will change into grey and a bit brown when the weather is warmer. Around November, the color is completely white, which makes them look beautiful.

Arctic foxes commonly break the ice around the surface to catch some fish with their paws. They also hunt some birds and smaller animals in the North Pole as their prey which is different from some animals in the Kalahari Desert.

3. Dall sheep

Dall sheep is one of the animals that live in the North Pole, which has a unique curly horn. Their horns need to be grown up to eight years to make them look sturdier. The research said that their horns are made of keratin, which is similar to human nails.

Dall sheep is a native animal in the North Pole, and their age can be predicted using their horns. They have thicker skin compared to common sheep to protect them from freezing.

Dall sheep are typical herbivores and commonly hard to find food at the North Pole. Their existence is also almost extinct because of illegal hunting by human, which make them food.

4. Wolverine

Wolverine is one of the animals that live in the North Pole, which is popular as the strongest hunter. They are typical carnivores that commonly hunt fish, birds, sheep, and even reindeer, which is different from animals in East African Savana.

Wolverine has powerful jaws and sharp teeth to catch their prey. They are pretty smart to hunt their prey. They even have a specific smelling fluid to warn others to stay away from them.

5. Reindeer

Reindeer is one of the animals that live in the North Pole that are popular as social animals. They are typical of herbivores that eat plants around the North Pole. They love to dig deeper to find some plants under the snow.

Reindeer love to live in a larger groups, and they move faster before the weather gets colder into the warmer area. Not surprisingly that is commonly found around human villages.

6. Arctic hare

The Arctic hare is one of the animals that live in the North Pole, which has a strong power to catch their prey. Similar to Wolverine and foxes, they are eating meat as their main food.

Arctic hare has a beautiful color that changes into blue but a bit grey when the weather is warmer at the North Pole. Even so, their tail keeps in a white color which makes them unique from other animals in the North Pole.

Arctic hare has thick fur to protect them from freezing at the North Pole, which is different from animals in Tropical grassland. They love to live in the bigger group to make them warmer during the extreme cold.

7. Caribou

Caribou is one of the animals that live in the North Pole, which is categorized as the deer family. They are typical of lazy deer that mostly lay around on the land. They are eating flies, mushrooms, and typical plants that live in the North Pole.

During winter, as the temperature gets cold into the extreme cold, most caribou hardly find food. That makes them easily extinct, moreover with the illegal hunting by humans.

8. Snowy owl

The snowy owl is one of the animals that live at the North Pole that has a beautiful color of white fur and black dot. This kind of owl has thicker fur compared to common owls and other animals in the Sonoran Desert.

Snowy owls commonly eat rodents, rabbits, and other smaller animals in the North Pole. As the land has no trees, they live around the ice rock to protect them from extreme weather.

Those beautiful animals that live in the North Pole have a specific ability to protect them from extreme weather. Have you ever seen them all? Tell us which one that becomes your favorite so far.


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