
7 Common Causes of Betta Fish Laying at the Bottom of the Tank

Most of the owners start to get panicked once they see their betta fish laying at the bottom of the tank. They think that there is something wrong with their fish.

However, there are some causes why betta fish are laying at the bottom of the tank. Some reasons are harmless and common, whole some others can be signs of underlying illnesses or stress.

As a betta fish keeper, you should know these ways to healthily feed your betta fishes and ways to maximize your betta fish diet by giving them these 2 foods.

Let’s learn to recognize the causes of betta fish laying down at the bottom of the tank so that you can solve the issues they might be having.

  • They are Getting Older

Betta fish are known to have a relatively short lifespan. Even in good conditions, they can only live around 3 to 5 years. If you have had your betta fish for a while, then they might suffer from the effects of getting older.

Just like other animals, betta fish tend to slow down as they get older. It is simply because they don’t have enough energy to zip around their habitat. Their bodies start slowing down and having hard time to keep up with younger fish.

As a result, they prefer to rest a bit more by laying down on leaves or spending more time resting on at the bottom of the tank.

  • Ammonia Poisoning

Your betta fish produce waste and as a result the ammonia level in the tank is rising. Ammonia is a dangerous chemical for fish as it can cause chemical burns in the gills and even lead to death.

The problem here is you cannot see ammonia. You have to rely on good tank maintenance and keep monitoring to prevent the ammonia level rising. Regular water changes and good filtration system are strongly suggested. Surprisingly, ammonia is also one of the causes of sudden goldfish death.

  • They are just Sleeping

Betta fish enjoy laying on their sides while resting as it is comfortable for them. It may look like a very strange behaviour to most aquarium keepers. A betta fish which has good appetite, plenty of energy and hasn’t been gasping for air may be found laying at the bottom of the tank.

However, don’t worry. It just wants to take a nap. If you are worried about this, you can observe your fish closely for a few days and watch for any other signs of stress or illnesses.

  • Swim Bladder Disease

This is a common illness for fish and it is often the reason why your betta fish is laying at the bottom of the tank. Swim bladder disease is simply defined as a condition in which the swim bladder can no longer function properly.

As a result, it is hard or even impossible for the betta fish to swim around the tank. Instead, they will float near the top or lay at the bottom. Besides swim bladder disease, there are some diseases of betta fish commonly have you should be aware of.

  • The Water is too Cold or too Hot

Cold water or hot water beyond betta’s comfort range can cause trouble. The ideal temperature of the tank for betta fish should be no lower than 74 degrees Fahrenheit and it cannot be too hot. Excess heat in the water could also lead to several health problems.

When the temperature of the water drops, your fish’s metabolism and oxygen absorption will also get slower. This combination will cause your fish to get weak.

  • The Aquarium is too Small

Size of aquarium really matters for your fish. Many fish owners misunderstand that betta fish can live everywhere. However, bigger aquariums will be better for your bettas.

When the fish are confined to a tiny environment, they don’t have anything to do and they cannot explore. Instead, they will just lay at the bottom of the tank as they lose interest in things. Give your betta fish some room to explore. Consider bumping the tank size up.

  • Just Relax

Betta fish laying at the bottom of the tank is not always a problem and concern. Sometimes, they are just relaxing. So, take it easy.

You can observe their behavior. If their pelvic fins are still in motion, then your fish are just relaxing! Those enormous fins may look great for us to see, however, they can be tiresome for your betta. Because of this, they need to take a moment to rest.

This is a normal condition and there is nothing to worry. There’s nothing making you happy than seeing your betta fish happy and healthy. Make sure you feed these nutrients your fish need to stay healthy.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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