
Beware of these 5 Signs your Cat is Going to Give Birth

When a cat is pregnant, everybody is happy. Make sure you know all of these common signs that your cat is pregnant. It is because we are going to welcome the new members of the family! The signs are no different with the signs before a rabbit give birth.

If you have a pregnant cat, then she will be a mom soon and you will have a ringside seat to her kittens. However, you need to pay attention to the signs that she is ready to give birth or labor so that you will be well-prepared for the arrival of the kittens!

Here is a list of the signs of a pregnant cat that is going to labor.

  • Mammary Glands Increase in Size

At the final week of the pregnancy, your cat’s mammary glands will increase in size. The mammary glands are arranged in 2 parallel rows running along the outside body wall.

The body wall extends from the groin area to the underside of her chest. Cats normally have 4 pairs of mammary glands. It takes around 2 days before your cat gives birth, she will start producing milk.

There might be some cream colored thick secretions coming out from her nipples. She might lick it off or just dry it up. Then, you will notice that there are some small whitish scabs on the nipples. It is said that each nipple has its own unique smell so that kittens use to attach themselves to the same nipple.

  • Nesting Behavior Begins to Appear

Your pregnant cat might start the nesting behavior just like humans. In this stage, your cat starts to look for a nest or a suitable place to give birth to and take care for her kittens.

You can put the kittening or nesting box in a quiet and warm room that is free from drafts. It is important to make sure that the room is draft free because the kittens cannot regulate their own body temperature.

Make sure the location of the nesting room is free from any other pets you have or even children. You can encourage your cat to sleep inside the box once you notice any nesting behavior goes on.

  • Changes in Behavior

As the due date for giving birth approaches, you will notice that there are some changes your cat shows. Your cat may start to appear restless and pace around frequently.

You may also see her changing habits, such as if your cat tends to be normally aloof, then she may become more affectionate as her due date approaches.

  • Temperature Falls

The normal temperature of a cat is between 37.7 and 39.1 Celsius degree. However, one or two days before giving birth, her temperature will drops to 37.2 Celsius degree.

You can check the temperature by putting the thermometer in the armpit. But, if there are enough other signs of laboring, you may not need to worry about taking her temperature.

  • Decrease in Appetite/skipping Meal

As the due date of the labor is approaching, your cat may start to have less appetite or tend to skip meals. Pregnant cats normally will eat more than usual.

However, there are some other types of pregnant cats that have less appetite. It can be caused by the weight of the kitten that pushes against the mom’s stomach or a symptom of general anxiety.

However, also beware of some diseases that make your cat loses appetite, such as pancreatitis in cats.

  • Licking, Howling, Pacing and Chirping

You may notice that your cat licks her genitalia frequently. You will also notice that there is a discharge from the cat’s vulva few hours before the labor process. Your cat’s water will break as well. It is also the time for pacing, restlessness, howling, meowing and chirping from your cat.

  • Breathing Pattern

Listen closely to your cat’s breathing. You will notice that her breathing rate may get more rapid and even start panting. Your cat may also purr rhythmically and continuously.

Cats are also possible to get some respiratory infection. Get to know more about upper respiratory infection in cats.

  • Straining and Tension in the Abdomen Area

When your cat’s time for giving birth is closer, your cat will have contractions. You can tell it by gently feeling her abdomen, and you will feel the tension and straining there. The tension and straining in the abdominal area shows you that the contractions are taking place.

If your cat experiences some or all the signs above, then you can tell that her time to give birth is closer. Contact your vet for further explanation and assistance. Also read signs of 1 week pregnant cat. Make sure you are aware of the happiness sign!

Ivonne Puspakencana

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