Wild Animal

8 Endangered Wild Animals in the Gobi Desert

Have you ever wondered if there are any animals in the Gobi desert living there? The Gobi desert is one of the largest deserts located between China and Mongolia. The desert contains flats hills and rock crests, which are mostly stony and waterless.

You may wonder if any animals in the Gobi desert survive living there in these situations. Since it is waterless, plants are rare to be found there except some salt-tolerant plants may still be found. Some animals exist there with kind of wild animals and have no foundation for livestock.

If you are wondering what kind of animals in the Gobi desert can survive there, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

  • Bactrian Camel

The Bactrian camel is one of the most popular animals in the Gobi desert. It calls as the ship of the desert by locals, which become the most common animals in the desert. Most Bactrian camel has two humps that function as a fat bank for them, which can be transformed into the water so that they keep hydrated for some time.

The Gobi desert is home to the most common camel in the world including the Bactrian camel type. Most of them survive perfectly in extreme heat and sand storms as well. They also have long legs to prevent them from sinking into the sand of the desert.

  • Gobi Bear

The Gobi bear is one of the most endangered animals in the Gobi desert that has only about 30 species lately. Since they are living in the desert they could easily survive the extreme heat properly and are found to have periodic hibernation during winter.

Most Gobi bears live in the rock hills area in the Gobi desert which is different from animals in the Daintree rainforest. They have smaller sizes than the brown bear commonly found in the jungle or rainforest. They are typical omnivores that eat almost everything including mice, lizards, berries, and grass.

  • Desert Tarantula

Desert tarantula is one of the most popular animals in the Gobi desert that you can find during the day or close to dusk time. Most of them are living under the rocky hills of the Gobi desert and come out only to hunt their prey.

A Desert tarantula is a typical carnivore that eats small reptiles, such as lizards, snakes, and frogs. Some of them are also found to eat small birds as well. They have a venomous weapon like the venomous animals in the world that could be dangerous for their prey in an instant dead weapon.

  • Golden Eagle

The golden eagle is one of the most endangered animals in the Gobi desert and is classified as a mighty bird of prey. They could live around 18 years, which makes them the longest birds to live in the desert that different from animals in the Borneo rainforest.

Most Golden eagles are eating insects, dead animals, rodents, and reptiles. Most of them become rare from time to time because of illegal hunting by a human. That makes their existence of them dangerous to extinction.

  • Gray Wolf

The Gray wolf is one of the most popular animals in the Gobi desert, which has the largest dig family in the desert. This kind of wolf can be easily found around the Gobi desert located in the Mongolian area. Some of them live in the mountain area of the desert, and some others are in the lowland desert as well.

Gray wolf is a professional hunter to find their prey that could live for eight years. They are common carnivores of the wolf, which hunt some antelopes, wild camel, sheep, rodents, and other small animals as well.

  • Gopher Snake

The gopher snake is one of the most popular animals in the Gobi desert, which you can find during the day. In most summers, this kind of snake would become nocturnal animals that couldn’t be surviving well in the extreme heat during the day of summer.

Gopher snakes are carnivores that sometimes eat smaller snakes as well, similar to some reptiles in variant animals found in the Oriental region. This kind of reptile commonly lives under the rocky hills of the Gobi desert. They could grow up to 95 inches long which makes them the longest snakes that could survive in the Gobi desert.

  • Ibex

Ibex is one of the most popular animals in the Gobi desert that is categorized as the Asian mountain goat. Most of them are powerful climbers, which has a strong leg to climb over the rocky hills in the Gobi desert which is different from animals in the Congo rainforest.

Ibex has a beautiful color that changes depending on the seasons. Their color will be dark brown during summer and lighter brown during spring. They have the same type of herbivore as the common goat that eats grass. Most of them eat some grass desert, foliage, stems of shrubs, and lichens as well.

  • Snow Leopard

The snow leopard is one of the most popular animals in the Gobi desert and is categorized as the biggest cat in the desert. Most of them can be found easily around the Eastern part of the Gobi desert steppe, which has a higher mountain hills desert area.

The snow leopard is a professional hunter capable to camouflage with their fur color. That makes them easily hunt some wild sheep, ibex, and the goat for prey as they are typical carnivores as well that similar to common cats.

So, there are some of the most popular and endangered animals in the Gobi desert that can be found easily during the day. Most of them are typical hunter animals that could be dangerous for humans as well.


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