Wild Animal

6 Amazing Animals You can Only Find in the Thar Desert

The Thar Desert is located in parts of India and Pakistan. It is also known as the Great Indian Desert as well. Bounded by two rivers, a mountain range and a salt marsh, the Thar Desert is home to a lot of amazing animals. During winter, temperatures fall below freezing, while during summer temperatures can […]

Wild Animal

8 Native Animals in the Sonoran Desert

Have you ever wondered what kind of animals in the Sonoran desert survive living there so far? Sonoran desert is home to so many different animals that can be rarely found in another desert. It is located in Arizona, the Mexican State of Baja California Sur, some parts of Sonora, and South Eastern California, in […]

Wild Animal

8 Diversity of Unique Animals in the Kalahari Desert

Have you ever wondered if there are any animals in the Kalahari Desert that could survive living there? As one of the largest deserts in Africa, the Kalahari Desert is popular with wild animals of unique species that are different from some animals in the Gobi desert. The Kalahari Desert is home for so many […]

Wild Animal

8 Endangered Wild Animals in the Gobi Desert

Have you ever wondered if there are any animals in the Gobi desert living there? The Gobi desert is one of the largest deserts located between China and Mongolia. The desert contains flats hills and rock crests, which are mostly stony and waterless. You may wonder if any animals in the Gobi desert survive living […]

Wild Animal

Find these 6 Animals in Mojave Desert

The Mojave Desert is considered as the national treasure as its beauty shelters a huge range of unique plants and animals. Furthermore, its 20 million acres provide a lot of things for people including clean water to drink, fresh air to breathe and energy to power our lives. The Mojave Desert is so precious that […]

Animal A-Z

Meet these 5 Inhabitants of Arizona Desert

Arizona desert, or known as Sonoran desert, is an area of desert with temperatures fluctuating between 120 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 40 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. Doesn’t it sound extreme? Amazingly, with these fluctuating temperatures, a lot of animals inhabit this area and survive well. The area of the desert spans from […]

Wild Animal

Let’s Get to Know these Animals Living in Atacama Desert

The Atacama Desert is located on the northern Chile. It is 2,500 meters above sea level, hence, is considered as the highest and the driest desert in the world. The desert looks like the surface of the moon that has been used as a test sight for lunar vehicles. This desert lacks of precipitation and […]

Animal A-Z

5 Common Types of Lizard in Desert You Need to Know

Desert is full of amazing animals with the outstanding adaptations. Let’s take a look at the list of specific kind of desert animal you must know. Can you imagine them surviving in a very hot and dry environment? One of the noticeable creatures in desert is lizard. Desert lizards are cold-blooded reptiles, but they are […]