Animal A-Z

8 Most Popular Animals in Tropical Grassland

Have you ever heard about some animals that live in tropical grassland? Animals in tropical grassland are commonly popular with a typical animal from the mammal family. Even so, there are also others animals that live there outside mammals.

Animals in tropical grassland are commonly used to living in wildlife as their original habitat of them which is different from some venomous sea creatures. Not surprisingly that most of them has a higher instinct to struggle with wildlife, such as in tropical grassland area.

If you are wondering about what kind of animals are in tropical grassland, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Zebras

Zebras are one of the most popular animals in tropical grassland so far and they are different from some animals in the Borneo rainforest. Tropical grassland is home for so many herbivores, such as Zebras. This kind of animal commonly could handle extreme weather into 30 degrees Celsius during the dry season.

The land of tropical grassland provides so many foods for Zebras, such as elephant grass, savannah trees, and many more. During the dry season, their population commonly decreased as the water supply become rare.

2. Elephant

Elephants are one of the most popular animals in tropical grassland that could struggle with wildlife that looks similar to some animals in the Congo rainforest. As a mammal, elephants commonly have a good adaptation to survive in extreme weather during the dry season.

During the wet season, most animals in tropical grasslands, such as elephants will easily find their food. Most grass and trees are growing correctly, during the wet season as the rainfall will fall regularly and the water will be easily found in the river.

3. Giraffes

Giraffes are one of the most popular animals that could be found in a tropical grassland that looks similar to some animals in the Kalahari desert. Similar to the other kind of giraffes that live in savannahs, giraffes in tropical grassland commonly get easier, food from the trees, over there.

Most animals in tropical grasslands, like giraffes, commonly have a good survival instinct to struggle against other predators that look similar to some animals in the Sonoran desert. This kind of herbivore is commonly busy during the day finding food and water to live.

4. Gazelles

Gazelles are one of the most popular animals in tropical grassland that can be found easily in most African wildlife. Tropical grassland is a home for gazelle as they could find savannah grass easily as their main food.

Gazelles commonly eat small grass, but some of them also eat the leaves from some trees in grassland. They can extract the water from their mouth as they chew the food, making them easily survive in a tropical grassland. This kind of mammal is a precious wildlife that should be protected from other predators and human involvement as well.

5. Warthogs

Warthogs are one of the most typical animals in tropical grassland that you can easily find in most South African wildlife. Commonly they are living in the hole that they dig by themselves and claimed it a home. Warthogs commonly survive by using their dens to protect themselves from any predators and endure during the dry season. This kind of African pig commonly eats grass, fruits, wood, and insects, as well.

6. Eland

Eland is a typical antelope but has a slower movement than commonly you can find in a most tropical grassland. This animal commonly lives separately from others animals in the tropical grassland, which makes them look lonely.

Most of Eland commonly can be found around the darkest or shaded area during the heat day. That makes them could survive during extreme weather in the dry season. Not only eat grass, but they also eat fruits, herbs, and tree leaves.

Eland is living nomadically as the species of them seem won’t live with other animals group. Even the species of female and male elands are living separately in some specific distance between 50 km – 400 km away.

7. Impalas

Impalas are one of the most popular animals in tropical grassland that looks similar to the antelope family. Most of them are found in South African grassland, such as the common antelope.

Impalas are commonly active during the day. Most of them are moving shortly between dusk time and before dawn for only a little time to find food and water. During the dry season, as they are difficult to find grass to eat, commonly would change their food.

Impalas females can be easily known as they are not having a horn on their head. Most of them are living near the water bank and eat mostly grass, trees, and fruits. Most of them are pretty active animals as they have to drink water more often than other animals in a tropical grassland.

8. Oryx Leucoryx

Oryx Leucoryx is one of the animals in tropical grassland that you can find outside common antelope. This kind of animal looks similar to the antelope with a long horn on its head.

Oryx Leucoryx commonly lives around tropical grass in Syria and some of the Arabian Peninsula. They are typical herbivores that eat grass and tree in the suburb. The horn of the females come longer than the male’s horns.

Oryx Leucoryx is not living permanently as they could easily detect rainfall where the land would have grown grass. They could run quickly, which makes them could survive to live tropical grassland.

So, some of the most popular animals in tropical grassland could be easily found. Most of them could survive properly during an extremely dry season and from other predators’ strikes. Have you ever seen them all? Which one that becomes your favorite so far?


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