
Get Familiar with these 4 Popular Bird Breeds to Pet at Home

Bird is one of the popular animals to be kept at home as pets. Despite their small size, it is not as simple as you think to keep birds at home. There are certain bird breeds you can choose and the detail of each bird’s characteristics. Some birds consume insects as their main food. Check all the insect eating birds that might stun you with their actions.

Let’s get familiar with these 4 popular bird breeds to pet at home.

  • Cockatiels

This bird breed is quite popular among people who love to pet birds. Cockatiel is a member of parrot family. Cockatoos and cockatiels are two distinctive birds, as elaborated in what makes cockatiel and cockatoo different.

Cockatiels are known as “miniature cockatoos, weeros and quarrions”. They can live up to 15 years and that’s quite a long time for a bird to stay alive. Cockatiels are great and talented whistlers and they are known for their whistle serenades.

Some easy ways to teach a cockatiel to whistle can be tried at home to teach your cockatiel to have fun!

Cockatiels are native to the semi-arid regions of Australia. If you plan to pet this bird, you need to prepare a spacious cage for them to flap their wings and accommodate some things they might need, such as toys and multiple perches.

Regarding to their diet, you can simply feed them with pellets, leafy greens (broccoli florets or kale leaves), and other vegetables (shredded or strip cut carrots).

If you plan to pet this bird, you also need to pay attention to some medical concerns they might have such as parasites or infections and obesity. See the tips on how to take care your first cockatiel healthy, too!

  • Parakeets

Parakeet is the most popular bird breed to pet as most bird parents keep this bird as pet at home. There are various breeds of parakeet, but the most popular one might be the budgerigars or budgies.

They are known to have silly and sweet behavior. Many people said that this bird is suitable and popular to be pet at home because of its fit size and behavior. Parakeet size fits into most homes and it does not damage or destroy any furniture at home.

If you plan to pet this parakeet breed, you need to prepare a large cage for it to exercise and move around. The cage should also be high enough so that it will be able to fly up to the highest perch once it feel spooked or scared. Besides, some basic things, such as fresh water and small bowl of food should be provided all the time in the cage.

Parakeets mostly feed on seeds and fresh vegetables, such as broccoli florets, carrot strips and even cauliflower rice. Regarding to their life span, they can live up to 15 years.

Similar to cockatiels, parakeets also need some medical concerns, such as infections and fatty liver. Make sure to watch their diet attentively to avoid these conditions.

  • Conures

Conure is another bird breed that is popular to pet at home. Conures come in different size and color, ranging from the smaller green-cheeked to the larger sun and blue-crowned conures.

This bird is well known for being smart as what some people said. Rose Adler, one of the parents of green-cheeked conures stated that she could teach everything to her conures and in almost 2 months, they are able to learn 12 tricks and get then down in less than 15 minutes. Isn’t that amazing?

This bird is unique as it loves noise. That’s why there is a suggestion that tells this bird parents to keep your conure company, such as the things to chew and rip up, and make sure to keep the TV or radio on when you are away from it. This bird can be aggressive and destructive, so that’s why this bird breed is not suggested to be pet by beginners.

Regarding to its diet, it mostly feeds on vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, green beans, beets and berries.

  • Canaries

These cheerful and good-natured birds are popular among birds’ parents. Canary is considered as one of the best birds to pet at home. Male canaries are popular as the best singers while the female ones chirp instead of singing.

This bird species is 3 to 4 inches long in size from head to end of the tail. Regarding to canary’s diet, this bird feeds mostly on vegetables and fruits. One of the best vegetables for canaries is broccoli and see the health benefits broccoli carries for canaries.

If you plan to have canaries as your pets, you need to consider some things, such as the housing, feeding and health concerns. Regarding to the housing, you need to make sure that you you’re your canaries enough space for them to fly. It is best to provide the largest habitat if possible.

Related to feeding, there are some items you shouldn’t give to your canaries such as avocado, high fat treats, fruit seeds, chocolate and caffeine as well as alcohol. Make sure you provide clean, fresh, and chlorine-free supply of water for your canaries.

You also need to pay attention to some medical concerns such as diarrhea, mites and avian pox. Make sure you maintain their health and hygiene well.

If you are a beginner of canaries parents, you might want to know more tips about keeping this bird as pets such as how to encourage canaries to make bird songs.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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