Animal A-Z

Beware of these 6 Diseases Transmitted by Mosquitos

Mosquitos are mostly known to be the transmitter of dengue fever diseases, but do you know that they are able to do more than that? There are some more diseases that are transmitted by mosquitos.

Despite their small size, their great ability in transmitting some dangerous diseases are undoubtable. Mosquito even becomes one of the deadliest animals in Africa.

Mosquitos, when they feed on blood, at the same time they also swallowing any virus or parasites living in the blood. There are some other animals that feed on blood such as mentioned in blood sucking animals.

The viruses that they swallow can be transmitted to any one bitten by the mosquitos through their saliva. Mosquito-borne diseases are the diseases that are transmitted to human or animal.

Surprisingly, there are around 700 million people die because of all the diseases transmitted by mosquitos around the world. That’s why some preventions need to be done. Before doing prevention, you also need to beware of these 6 diseases transmitted by mosquitos.

  • Zika

You might know that this disease is not really dangerous as its symptoms are quite mild. The symptoms of this disease are fever, skin rash, joint pain, and red eyes.

However, if pregnant woman and babies are infected by this disease, it might be fatal. This disease can link to birth defect called microcephaly, a condition where the baby might get small head and brain damage. It is really dangerous.

Mosquitos transmitting this disease can be found in many parts of the world, including Southeast Asia, Brazil, and some countries in Central, South America and the Caribbean.

Zika virus also infects animals, not only humans. Read it further in Zika virus infected the animals in South America: Will it spread to entire world?

Have a short time reading these animals native to Brazil. Every country has its own native animals.

  • West Nile

West Nile might not give visible symptoms for some people, but for some others, they might get joint pain, fever diarrhea, skin rash and vomiting. If you get bitten by a mosquito that carries this virus, you should be aware of complications such as brain infections called meningitis. This virus can also be found in every state, except Alaska and Hawaii. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine yet for this virus.

  • Malaria

This is the most popular disease transmitted by mosquito besides dengue fever. Most cases of malaria happen in Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, South America and other countries.

It is said that nearly half of the world’s population is at risk of catching this disease. The symptoms of malaria are fever, chills, headache and vomiting. If you visit a country that is prone to malaria cases, you’d better sleep under a net to avoid mosquito bites or take an anti-malaria drugs.

  • Dengue Fever

Dengue fever mostly occurs in Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands, Latin America and Puerto Rico. This disease can be deadly especially if it leads to hemorrhagic fever.

Hemorrhagic fever is a condition which includes bleeding under the skin and constant vomiting. When you are catching this disease, you will be likely to have fever, skin rash, headache, bruising and bleeding gums. It takes around 2 to 7 days to recover from this disease.

Sadly saying, there are around 25,000 people die because of dengue fever every year and approximately 40 percent of the world’s population are at risk of this disease.

  • Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is another disease transmitted by mosquitos. This disease has some symptoms such as loss of appetite, chills, nausea, muscle pains and headaches. Yellow fever is also known as a viral disease caused by Aedes aegypti mosquitos. This viral disease can also cause hemorrhagic fever, just like dengue fever.

Unfortunately, there are more than 30,000 people die every year because of yellow fever. However, don’t be panic as there is vaccine for preventing people from getting this virus. Make sure you get vaccinated before going to certain places in Africa and Latin America where most of the virus are spread there.

  • Chikungunya

Another viral disease transmitted by mosquitos is chikungunya. Chikungunya is originated from African language and means the crouched appearance people may have because of the severe joint pain.  Chikungunya shares some similar symptoms with Zika and dengue fever, such as joint pain, fever, joint swelling, skin rash, and headache and muscle pain.

Unfortunately, chikungunya has no cure or vaccines. However, most people are able to recover from this disease. In some of the cases, chikungunya can last for months or even years.

Mosquito is also one of the dangerous insects in the world and the member of the list of wild animals that live in the Amazon forest, that’s why we need to take some ways as prevention from this small creature. In spite of their small size, mosquitos can even lead to death. So, beware of these 6 diseases transmitted by mosquitos!

Ivonne Puspakencana

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