
4 Possible Reasons Why Your Fish Keeps Dying

For the beginner or for experienced freshwater fish tank breeder will have one thing in common: their fishes are facing unexpected deaths. Some people when they come home find out their fish is floating on the water.

While it is fascinating that most of the animals that can mourn of its ‘relatives’, fish is not one of these animals. And yes, the owner will be sad as well when their fish keeps dying.

The fish owner may be careless in taking care of their fish but some reasons are inevitable. Some challenges include treating their fish to avoid stressful environment, water, or the number of fish the owner put inside a small fish tank. From expected reasons to unexpected ones, here are the list why your fish keeps dying!

1. Water Changes

From the article of the beginner guide to own a fish tank, you may have already guessed how important it is to change your water regularly. In this case, it also covers that some of the fish tank owners don’t know: the quality of your water also plays an important part in the reasons why your fish keeps dying. It is sad that with poor water quality, your fish pays the price quite hard: death.

The reasons are the chemicals in the water: ammonia is one of the common fish diseases. According to a study conducted in ASEAN University Network (AUN), filtration is not enough to kill the ammonia.

It leads to the fact that not enough good chemicals are added to the fish tank. While adding good chemicals play a secondary party, changing your water more frequently will lead to a long-living fish in your fish tank.

2. Contamination in Your Fish Tank

When water is contaminated with chemicals, your fish can face inevitable death. Like causes of sudden death in a cat which may cause by poisoning, fish is also prone to poison in the contaminated water.

Water clearly is easy from being contaminated. Contrast from the point mentioned above, contamination in water can cause by water changes without any precaution. A slight of materials or chemicals traced in your water bucket will lead your fish to death.

As easy as it seems, using one and only bucket, or water container for the purpose of your fish tank will definitely save your day as well as your fish. Plus, changing the water straight from tap water will also contaminate your fish tank.

To avoid that, using good chemicals such as dechlorinator as water-safe to kill all the bad chemicals. Not only that the fish By using one water bucket, but the changes to getting containment in your fish tank will also be zero to none! Yes, you may have heard it right. Also check out this easy way to clean your fish tank.

3. Overfeeding

If you give your cats a lot of food, they become obese. However, when it comes to fish when you overfed them, they will face an inevitable death in the count of days.

It is normal to worry that your fish doesn’t get enough vitamins. Overfeeding your fish is a typical way to lead to a dangerous phase to your fish. Uneaten food will leave into the bottom of your fish tank.

One important way and the simplest way is to have a portion control of your fish. Yes, having the right amount of food and vitamins will not only keep your fish healthy but also make them survive longer.

When the fish are given the right amount of food, there will be no chance of left-over food in the bottom of your fish tank. There is a good article on how to healthily feed your fish, especially Betta fish!

4. Stressful Environment

While there is a great article to mention how amazing it is on how the fish see the world, another fact is that fish can also feel stressed and disturbed, just like you.

Just like humans, there are some other factors that lead to stress, for example, loud and noisy sounds, frequent changes of their environment, and also other disturbances. The more stress they are, the easier it gets for your fish to catch a disease that can lead to death.

As easy as it is to catch stress, it is not hard as well to prevent your fish to become stressed in their environment. As we have covered what type of freshwater fish to put in your fish tank, it is also worth to look for a compatible type of fish in your fish tank.

These fishes are built compatible with each other. Just like a human, when the fish lives in harmony and peacefully, the chance to get stressed will be minimized.

Irwansyah Yoga

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