
8 Symptoms of Dog Eating Chocolate Need To be Aware!

Symptoms of dogs eating chocolate may get vary depending on how much dogs get chocolate poisoning. The amount of chocolate they ate will affect the dog’s health in common.

Many years ago, people believe that do could get easily poisoned by chocolate. So much research says that it depends on the amount of chocolate they ate, typical of chocolate, and the weight of the dog.

For example, if your dog has about 50 pounds weight, it can resist about 9 ounces of milk chocolate and one ounce of baked chocolate. It will be different if they eat some typical dark chocolate.

Commonly the bitter and the darker type of chocolate will bring more toxicity to the dog. That is why it is better to keep your dog for those types of chocolate. Moreover, if your dog has a sensitive stomach, there may be some bacterial infections in the dog‘s stomach.

Commonly, the symptoms of a dog eating chocolate will appear within six up to 12 hours. If you are aware that your dog ate chocolate, you can do some prevention before the poison gets worse for the dog within that time.

You may be wondering what kind of symptoms of a dog eating chocolate get your dog far to get some signs that your dog is happy and healthy.

And, speaking of it, here we have some of them that may help you to help your dog once they ate some chocolates. Let’s check them out below!

  • Vomiting

Vomiting becomes one of the suspects of symptoms of dogs eating chocolate. If you are sure enough that your dog ate chocolate a couple of hours before, you need to get your dog to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

If you are so far from the veterinarian, you need to call them immediately. Your veterinarian will give you some instructions which you need to follow. It is better to tell the expert about the real situation to help your dog.

If you find your dog just ate the chocolate, you can help the dog to induce the vomit so that it wouldn’t get poisoned any further. Another way, you may need to get some vaccines for your dog’s needs.

  • Diarrhea

Diarrhea becomes one of the symptoms of a dog eating chocolate. This kind of symptom may not affect immediately since the effect of the poison could vary on every dog.

Even so, you need to contact your veterinarian immediately, once you found your dog having diarrhea. It can be one of the signs that you must take your dog to the vet.

Your veterinarian may ask you many questions, including what your dog ate before. It is important to say that your dog ate chocolate so that the right treatment will get easily applied to the dog.

  • Restlessness

Restlessness becomes one of the symptoms of a dog eating chocolate. Some of the ingredients inside the chocolate will affect the dog’s body so that they get easily anxious for no cause.

If you found that your dog has risen their anxiety with so much restlessness pictured on their face or even their behavior, you need to get the dog to visit the doctor as soon as possible.

Tell the truth about the dog eating chocolate to the doctor will help the dog so much. This treatment is similar to anti-rabies vaccine effects on dogs.

  • Extreme Thirst

The extreme thirst that happens in the dog after eating chocolate is one of the symptoms of a dog eating chocolate. Some of the ingredients in cocoa powder or another type of dark chocolate is capable to be allergic to dog and make them feel thirstier than usual.

If you found suddenly your dog has extreme thirst, they may already eat chocolate without you knowing. Calling your veterinarian is better so that they will diagnose your dog with the right treatment.

  • Increased Urination

As the dog has chocolate poisoning, they may get extreme thirst. Then it affects the body to increased urination. If you have no idea about what happened, it is better to ask the expert as soon as possible.

Increased urination is one of the symptoms of a dog eating chocolate which makes the dog to get chocolate poisoning. Before it gets worse, it is better to find help. The dog may get dehydration even if they keep drinking.

  • Abnormal Heart Rate

Abnormal heart rate is one of the symptoms of dogs eating chocolate as they get chocolate poisoning. For some old dogs, the effects of this symptom can be worst since they have a higher risk.

In some cases, if it doesn’t treat properly, it may cause the death of the dog that has chocolate poisoning. That is why it is better to bring the dog to the doctor or veterinarian to get proper treatment.

  • Seizures

Seizures is one of the symptoms of dog eating chocolate because they get chocolate poisoning. Much amount of chocolate that your dog ate, will cause so much pain significantly as the poison spreads to their body.

Since the dog will eat everything around them, you need to be careful about chocolate even if it’s about small cookies. Seizures on the dog that has chocolate poisoning will danger the dog. That is why getting the dog to the doctor once they ate chocolate is better than doing nothing.

  • Collapses and Death

In some extreme cases in which the dog ate the chocolate in much amount, it may get collapse and death. These two symptoms are the symptoms of dogs eating chocolate as they get their body chocolate poisoning in much amount.

You need to talk to your veterinarian immediately once your dog ate chocolate and follow the instruction properly. It will help the dog to feel better with the right treatment they get.

So, there are some symptoms of dogs eating chocolate because of chocolate poisoning. Call the expert immediately so that you may help them to prevent collapses and death because of chocolate poisoning


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