Wild Animal

8 Animals in Costa Rica Rainforest with Unique Species

Have you ever wondered about what kind of animals are in Costa Rica’s rainforest? Costa Rica rainforest is one of the most popular rainforests in the world. It has become a home for more than 100 species of trees and animals.

As a tropical rainforest, animals in Costa Rica rainforest come in many variant species. The tall trees become a canopy of this typical rainforest that makes many animals live peacefully there.

Costa Rica’s rainforest spreads from the central lines of Costa Rica to the South Pacific coast into the southern Caribbean Coast. These large areas of the forest make animals in Costa Rica’s rainforest not only come from lowland areas but also higher areas and seashore areas.

If you are wondering what kind of typical animals are in the Costa Rica rainforest, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

  • Sloth

Sloth is one of the most popular animals in Costa Rica’s rainforest that becomes the most unique animal in the world. The animals are popular with slow movements and cute faces that make this species so famous.

Sloth is an endemic species in the Costa Rica rainforest that comes with two different species. They are two-toed sloths which are popular as nocturnal animals, and third-toed sloths, which you can see during the day around the trees.

You can find some sloths in the Costa Rica rainforest around Puerto Viejo, Monteverde cloud forest, South Pacific, and Osa Peninsula.

  • Red-eyed tree frogs

Red-eyed tree frogs are one of the most popular animals in the Costa Rica rainforest that becomes the most unique frog in the world. They have a unique color of neon green body with an orange and blue line on the feet. Their eyes are bright red in the dark and become orange during the day.

Red-eyed tree frogs are commonly found during the night and start making a loud noise when evening comes. They are sleeping during the day, which is hard to find because of their tiny body that camouflage around the green tree.

You can find some red-eyed tree frogs in the Costa Rica rainforest around Monteverde cloud forest reserve and Manuel Antonio National Park.

  • Coatimundis

Coatimundis is one of the most unique animals in the Costa Rica rainforest that is still a member of the raccoon family. They have white noses and smaller ears compared to the most common raccoon in the world.

Coatimundis are popular with their friendly behavior towards humans that come around to the forest. Commonly they are living in a group and are very active during the day. You can find them around the lowland or higher areas throughout the Costa Rica rainforest.

  • Howler Monkey

The howler monkey is one of the most famous animals in Costa Rica, and you probably hard to find them in other countries which comes different from some of the animals in the Borneo rainforest.

Howler monkeys have black fur and loud noise as the animal’s way to communicate with each other. They were even capable to move from one to another tree faster than other monkeys.

Howler monkeys are commonly active during the day and never come down from the tree. They have kind gestures towards humans that make you safe while traveling around the forest. You can find them around the Guanacaste area in Costa Rica’s rainforest.

  • Squirrel monkeys

Squirrel monkey is one of the most popular animals in Costa Rica that has smaller body than common primates. They have orange bodies and ears with longer tails, which makes them easily move from one to another tree.

In common, Costa Rica has around four typical monkeys that live around the tree. There are include squirrel monkeys, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, and white-faced capuchin monkeys which are different from some of the animals found in the Neotropical region.

You can find them in most of Manuel Antonio National Park, Nicoya Peninsula, and Corcovado National Park.

  • Sea turtles

Sea turtles are one of the most popular animals in the Costa Rica rainforest, which commonly live around the Tortuguero National Park, Las Baulas National Marine Park, Guanacaste, Osa Peninsula, Santa Rosa National Park, and along the coast Caribbean.

Sea turtles in the Costa Rica rainforest have four different species, which come from the leatherback sea turtle family, olive ridley sea turtle, green sea turtle, and hawksbill sea turtle.

The hawksbill becomes the most endangered one while the leatherback has the highest amount of sea turtle species there. Most of them are different from some of the animals that build their own homes.

  • Humpback whales

Humpback whales are one of the most popular animals in the Costa Rica rainforest, you can find them around Marino Ballena National Park, Osa Peninsula, and Manuel Antonio National Park.

Costa Rica’s rainforest reportedly has more than 25 species of whales, and humpback whales are the most common whales there. The species has the highest amount of whales in Costa Rica.

Between July and October is the best time to watch them pop out from the sea to the surface in Costa Rica which has different seasons for some of the animals in the Baltic Sea.

  • Toucan

Toucan is one of the most popular animals in the Costa Rica rainforest that comes with unique colors. Their body commonly comes in black and green, black and blue, black and red, or even yellow and black.

Toucan lives around the Corcovado National Park and Monteverde Cloud Forest. They live by eating fruits only, which makes their colorful body unique from other typical birds in Costa Rica.

So, some of the most popular animals in the Costa Rica rainforest come with different species. Most of them live around the deep rainforest and also on the coast, which makes their habitat bring the balance of the forest ecosystem in Costa Rica.


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