Animal A-Z

4 Colorful Mammals around the World that will Amaze You

Animals are amazing by their own distinctive characteristics. Do you know some colorful animals? Yes, there are some colorful animals that will surely amaze you. There are colorful mammals, birds, insects, fish and more.

Some of the most colorful animals in the world are very beautiful, even they are considered as the most beautiful creatures. Some of them look so cute that you might dream of hugging and having them at home. Let’s take a closer look at these amazing and colorful mammals around the world that will surely mesmerize you!

  • Mandrill

Being the largest of all monkeys, mandrills come from the area around the equator in Africa. The male mandrills are around 21 to 26 inches and 42 to 82 pounds, while the females are 18 to 20 inches and 22 to 32 pounds. Mandrill is known as one of the most colorful mammals in the world. Mandrill is also listed as one of the monkey species in Indonesia.

Mandrills have colorful butt and red and white marks on their nose. They also have sharp teeth and will often flash as a way to tell other animals. However, they may also show their teeth as a sign of being friendly to humans and other animals.

Even though they only live around the equator in Africa, many zoos are their homes today too, such as the Gladys Porter Zoo in Texas. Sadly saying, these primates are threatened.

They are often hunted as bushmeat and many Africans consider them to be a delicacy. Also find out more about wildlife to discover in the African savanna.

  • Red Panda

Panda is identical with black and white colors. However, there is red panda in some parts of Asia, including China, Burma, Tibet and India. Red panda is even made into a female character in Hello Kitty by Sanrio, the company which made it.

Red panda also gets some other names, such as firefox, lesser panda and red-cat bear. Red pandas are not as big as the common panda. Instead, the adult red pandas are slightly larger than a house cat.

Red pandas are mostly active in the early morning and late afternoon. They spend most of their day resting in trees to conserve their energy.

Red pandas usually live alone in the wild and in breeding pairs when they are in captivity. Sadly saying, they are listed as endangered animals, so many zoos and other centers breed the pandas.

They have red and white markings on their face which look like little masks. Their hides are typically the same red color, but they also have some colorful markings on their body, such as dark brown, black and white.

  • Golden Snub-nosed Monkey

Golden snub-nosed monkeys are found mostly in Southwest and Central China. They have bright white and cream marks on their faces. Those marks make them look as if they have a snubbed nose. Uniquely, the density of color changes with season. Find the other native animals of China too!

Because they are only found in southwest and central China, some experts wish to raise their population by putting them in zoos.

Regarding to their diet, they mostly feed on fruits and other items, such as seeds and flowers. They also eat pine needles, young firs, flower buds and shoots.

Similar to other primates, these monkeys live in groups of 20 to 30 during winter and as large as 200 during summertime. The entire group will sub-divide themselves into smaller units, consisting of 4 females with their babies, dominated by a healthy male.

  • Sloths

Known as the slowest animals in the world , sloth is also known for being a colorful animal. Sloths are mostly found in Central and South America. They are around 16 to 31 inches and weigh around 5 to 22 pounds, depending on the species. They have unique feature, which is the white marking on their faces and some green fur on their body.

You may notice sloths by their fur which appears green or that you see actual patches of moss growing on their backs. They are pretty much an ecosystem unto themselves.

Sloths also have other distinctive features: long and sharp claws and white marks around their faces. Their claws help them hold onto trees or other items in nature.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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