Let’s Meet with These 5 Monkey Species in Indonesia

Indonesia is a tropical country because of its proximity to the equator. Indonesia also has many tropical forests, especially on the island of Borneo. The forests are inhabited by many primates; one of them is a monkey.

Monkey population is still relatively large, especially long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis). However, several species of monkey is almost extinct. What are the species of monkeys in Indonesia?

1. Long-Tailed Macaque

Long-Tailed Macaque is a popular monkey. This long-tailed monkey is what we often see. In addition to this type of monkey, the population tends to be still large. Its ability to adapt makes long-tailed monkeys accustomed to the presence of humans.

This monkey can live in a variety of ecosystems ranging from mangrove forests on the coast, lowlands to mountains with an altitude of 2,000 meters.

Adult long-tailed Macaque has a body length of about 38-55 cm plus a tail length of 40-65 cm. Long-tailed Macaque body weight ranges from 5-9 kg for males and 3-6 kg for female monkeys.

This monkey’s fur is grayish brown to reddish-brown and has a flat nose with a narrowed tip. This monkey has spade-shaped incisors, canines, and molars for chewing food.

This monkey is an omnivorous animal. The food varies from fruits, leaves, flowers, tubers, mushrooms, insects, snails, young grasses, and even crabs, although the most consumed is fruit. Apparently, this monkey has skills. You should check the facts of things about Macaque skills that should be known!

2. Hose’s Langur (Lutung Banggat)

Hose’s Langur (Presbytis hosei) is a species of monkey in the Cercopithecidae family. Hose’s Langur is a monkey from Borneo. Its natural habitat is tropical or subtropical dry forests.

Hose’s Langur has a body length of 480-560mm and a tail length of 640-840mm. Adult male and female body weight range from 5.5-6.2kg. Hair that grows on the back of this monkey is gray, while the chest and other bodies are white.

This monkey is a herbivorous animal that eats leaves, fruits, and flower buds. The population is small because its existence is tough to find, so this monkey was declared extinct until it was rediscovered in June 2011.

The cause of this monkey’s extinction due to loss of habitat and poaching. In the 1990s, this animal was reported as being hunted on a large scale. The hunting was carried out by the local community because they thought its gallstones were good for health.

3. Yaki (Sulawesi Black Monkey)

Yaki (Macaca nigra) are endemic primates on Sulawesi Island. This monkey has a characteristic face, punk-style crested, and slightly pink red bottoms.

Even for body size, the Yaki is quite large compared to other Sulawesi monkeys, because this monkey weighs around 7-15 kilograms. This monkey can be found in primary, secondary, and coastal forests, up to the plateau to a height of about 2000 meters.

However, primary forests remain their favorite place. Because, in addition to the abundance of food, they also feel comfortable sleeping there.

Most yaki eat fruits, leaves, seeds, flowers, and tubers. Not only plants, types of animals such as mice and snakes are also food for Yaki, including several kinds of insects to mollusks.

Deforestation and poaching are causing the endangered of the Yaki population. Usually, at Christmas and New Year, the demand for Yaki meat increases.

4. Simakobu (Pig-Tailed Monkey)

Simakobu is a rare animal in Indonesia. They belong to an ancient monkey family and belong to 25 endangered primates. Therefore, this monkey should be included in prehistoric animals that still exist today.

This monkey’s tail is sticking up like a tail on a pig. That’s why this monkey is called a pig-tailed monkey. The bottom tail is standing up, but the top is bent down.

Pig-tailed monkeys live in lowland forests, starting from the Indochina Peninsula, Kalimantan, to Sumatra Island. Another animal that lives in Kalimantan and Sumatra is the rhino. Let’s get closer with Javanese rhino and also get a closer look of Sumatran rhino.

His body was overgrown with black-brown fur. Black hair is very dominant in the middle of the top of his head. His nose was pug as if it’s facing up. They also have long and muscular arms.

Pig-tailed monkeys are active during the day. They are omnivorous animals that eat fruit, seeds, and insects. Although some of their lives are spent on the ground, they are also good at climbing trees. Even in some areas, they are used as cotton pickers.

5. Javan Gibbon (Owa)

Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) is an endemic primate from Java. This animal population is limited in West Java and Central Java. Java gibbons are the rarest species of gibbons in the world. the population is only 1,000 – 2,000 left.

The distribution of Javan gibbon itself is now concentrated in national parks and protected forests. The most prominent feature of these primates is that they have no tail. Its body is gray, the top of its head is darker, and its face is black.

Javan gibbons have longer arms than their bodies. Their hands are used to swing and move from one tree branch to another tree branch. Like primates in general, Javan gibbons are more active during the day and spend more time in the trees.

Javan gibbons are omnivorous animals that eat fruit, leaves, flowers, and insects. Anyway, speaking of monkeys, do you remember Mandrill from The Lion King movie? Yes, monkey does make an appearance in The Lion King. Let’s see the full lists of animals portrayed in The Lion King.

Consider making a monkey as your pet? Maybe you can start with the long-tailed Macaque since its population is not endangered. You need to check things what should be done if you want to make the wild animal being a pet.