Animal A-Z

5 Dangerous Animals in Indonesia You Should Know

Visiting a country is always an exciting and hilarious experience. While traveling to a country, you can enjoy the city life and natural attractions, including the native animals and plants.

However, this world is also full of dangerous animals you need to be aware of. Some other countries also have dangerous animals just like elaborated in most dangerous animals in Australia and dangerous animals in Russia.

Indonesia is a country with rich wildlife. This biggest country in Southeast Asia region will serve you with the beauty of its wildlife. This country also has endangered species of birds in Indonesia that should be preserved!

However, there are also some dangerous animals you need to know before visiting this country. Ranging from mammals, reptiles and insects, all of these dangerous animals you should avoid. Here are the 7 dangerous animals in Indonesia you need to know.

  • King Cobra

You might think that King Cobra is not only found in Indonesia, it can be found in other countries. Still, this snake species inhabit Indonesia and you should anticipate meeting this animal there.

There are two species of cobra: the King Cobra and the Black Spitting Cobra. The King Cobra can be found the paddies area while the Black Spitting Cobra inhabits semi-urban areas.

They are really aggressive especially when they are disturbed. You can simply recognize this Cobra when he lifts up his hood and spread it.

Regarding to its appearance, the King Cobra has some colors, ranging from black to brown to olive. Its body can reach 4 meters long.

King Cobra is considered as one of the scary looking harmless animals. Though it is harmless, you still need to be careful with it.

The Black Spitting Cobra is commonly seen in Jakarta and it is able to eject spray of venom for several feet. It usually aims at the enemy’s eyes and this can lead to temporary blindness.

However, the venom can be removed by rinsing it with clean water repeatedly. However, the bite is kind of dangerous. The neurotoxic bite will cause pain and swelling followed by muscles weakness and respiratory paralysis.

  • Mosquitos

You might know this small animal is inhabiting all over the world. Mosquitos, especially Aedes agypty, is considered as number one killer in Indonesia. How can a small animal like mosquito become number one killer?

We all know that mosquito can cause some diseases, just like mentioned and elaborated in diseases transmitted by mosquitos. One of the diseases is dengue fever. The mosquitos bring dengue fever virus and attack the victim’s immune system.

In Indonesia, most of the cases of dengue fever is attacking kids. The case of dengue fever keeps inclining every year due to rainy season and dirty environment.

Mosquitos love to live in the wet and moist environment. So, if you visit Indonesia, make sure you put on some mosquito repellent in a form of lotion or spray.

  • Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragon is one of the icons of natural wonders in Indonesia. Komodo dragon is believed to be the last dragon alive on Earth. Komodo dragon is known to be a fast and hot blood killer. Its saliva is poisonous and able to give you the worst bacteria. It would be able to kill you just in several days with just one bite.  

This animal inhabits Komodo Island in East Nusa Tenggara. Many tourists visit Komodo Island to enjoy the view of this animal and also the view of the nature.

However, you still need to be careful while visiting this animal and not get too close to it. Komodo dragons are able to run really fast. That’s why, you’d better stay away from them.

  • Megalara Garuda

Megalara Garuda is known to be the king of all wasps in Indonesia. It has bigger body size compared to other wasps you might have ever known before.

Its body even almost fits the size of your palm. This wasp can be found around the swamp areas in Indonesia. Megalara Garuda can be easily noticed by its body size.

This animal is considered dangerous due to its body size that is bigger than usual bees or wasps. So, the sting of Megalara Garuda will surely be more painful. Stay away from this animal as possible if you plan to visit Indonesia.

  • Blue Temper Viper

Another dangerous snake after the King Cobra is the Blue Temper Viper. This snake is considered dangerous for having the poisonous venom that will kill every human it bites.

The Blue Temple Viper is easily noticed for having the perfect triangle shaped head. It can easily be found around the tall trees and also the short ones.

The Blue Temper Viper’s bite is as deadly as the King Cobra’s. That’s why if you plan to explore jungles and forests in Indonesia, you need to be careful with this snake. Stay away from tall trees.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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