Wild Animal

Be Ready to Get Terrified with these Most Dangerous Animals in Australia

Every country has some dangerous animals people can find. If you plan to visit a certain country or place, it is a must for you to know what dangerous animals you can find there. By knowing the dangerous animals in a certain place, then you will be able to prevent fatal accident or even death.

Just like China, Australia also has dangerous animals you need to be aware of. You can see dangerous animals of China. Despite the richness of its wildlife, Australia is also a home for some dangerous animals. Be ready to get terrified with these 5 most dangerous animals in Australia!

  • Honey Bee

Honey bees might be cute in cartoons, but they are not in real life. If you visit Australia and see this animal, then you’d better stay away. This animal is noticed by its golden-yellow, oval-shaped with brown bands. Its body is around 15 mm long. It is small, isn’t it?

Honey bees can be found in most areas of Australia as they are able to thrive in most conditions. People said that 100 honeybee stings can kill, but do you know that even a single sting can be fatal to you? A single sting is able to create allergies.

This animal is not native to Australia, but honey bee is one of the deadliest insects in Australia. If you get stung by a honey bee, you will likely to have burning pain and swelling. It will get worse if you have allergies as you also might experience difficulty in breathing.

However, honey bee can be beneficial for gardening, read it further in benefits of using honey bees for gardening.

  • Box Jellyfish

Jellyfish might be small, but they can send painful sting that can lead you to death within a few minutes. Box jellyfish have a light blue box with four corners on top of them or the bell. They also have clusters of stinging tentacles that are around a dozen growing up to three meters long.

Box jellyfish can be found in Northern Australia, especially during warm months. They camouflage easily as they breed in a murky water that is really hard to see.

That’s why you really need to be aware of them. Their sting is able to induce cardiac arrest and kill within a few minutes. They sting once their tentacles brush your body and once they do that, it will create an unbearably pain. The sting will immobilize your nerves and affect your breathing and movement.

  • Bull Shark

Bull shark is another dangerous animal you can find in Australia. You’d better be careful, especially when you decide to explore the coastal, harbors and rivers around Australia as they can be easily found there.

Bull shark is up to 3 meters long. It has gray color on its top and white underneath its body. It has stout body with pectoral fins equipped with dark tips.

Bull sharks don’t often attack but they are known as the most dangerous and aggressive sharks. If you accidentally find this shark, then move towards the closest safe place. Do not ever turn your back to the shark.

  • Common Death Adder

Common death adder is known to be the top 10 deadliest and most venomous snakes in the world. This snake is one meter long and they have red and black bands covering its thick brown body. It also flat, broad and triangular head that has the longest fangs of any Australian snakes.

Do you also know that not all snakes are venomous? See the list of non venomous snakes in the world.

Common death adders are mostly found in Sydney bush lands and grassland of the eastern coast of Australia. Being compared to the Eastern brown snake and Coastal taipan, this common death adder is less dangerous and has less effective venom. Regarding to venom, you can read venomous animals in the world.

The bite of common death adder is known to be not painful. However, the symptoms can be a bit fatal, such as respiratory difficulty, impaired sensory functions, numbness and paralysis.

Common death adder is also one of the deadliest animals in Africa.

  • Blue-ringed Octopus

Unlike its name that seems to be pretty, blue-ringed octopus is one of the most anticipated animals in Australia. Blue-ringed octopuses are 5 to 20 centimeters long.

They have brown body that has glowing blue lines and rings that only appear when they are disturbed. You can find this species of octopus around Australia’s coastline, specifically in coral reefs and rock pools.

How dangerous is blue-ringed octopus? Despite its small body, blue-ringed octopus can bring you to death with its venom. Blue-ringed octopus is equipped with venom that is enough to kill 26 adults in a few minutes.

However, it doesn’t often sting humans, unless it is touched or picked up. The short impacts of its sting are difficulty in breathing and paralysis.