Wild Animal

Meet these 4 Most Dangerous Animals of China

China is well known for having diverse species of animals. Do you know that some of the animals from China are even able to kill you? China is also home for some most dangerous and deadliest animals.

Let’s meet these 4 most dangerous and horrible animals of China. Besides China, you can also see these deadliest animals in Africa.

  • Chinese Cobra

This cobra species is also well known as Taiwan cobra. This species belongs to family Elapidae. This species can mostly be found in southern China and some neighbouring islands and nations.

This Chinese cobra is considered as one of the most poisonous and deadliest snakes in China and Taiwan. Do you know that there are snakes to discover in Australia?

Regarding to its size, Chinese cobra is commonly 1.2 to 1.5 meters long, however, it can reach up to 2 meters. Chinese cobra typically inhabits woodlands, shrublands, mangroves and grasslands. It usually hides under leaves, sticks and rocks.

Chinese cobra is commonly very alert, especially when it is confronted. It will raise its forebody and spread its hood as well. Then, it will strike. The adults are very aggressive, however, the youngsters can be more aggressive due to nervousness to the things around them.

Regarding to its venom, this cobra is able to cause some symptoms, such as darkening wound, swelling, redness, pain, blisters. The long-term impacts of this cobra bite are lockjaw, difficulty in breathing, loss of voice, fever and even fatality.

  • Asian Black Bear

Asian black bear is also known as the Asiatic black bear or moon bear or white-chested bear. This is a medium-sized bear species originated from Asia. It can be found in northeastern China, Shikoku islands of Japan, Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula.

This Asian black bear is a diurnal animal, which is active during the day. However, it is also able to be nocturnal near human habitations. Asian black bear is also a good climber of trees and rocks and it does this to feed, sun, hibernate, escape from enemies and also rest. Asian black bear is one of the bears you can find around the world.

Regarding to Asian black bears’ diet, they are omnivorous, and feed on insects, beetle larvae, grubs, bees, eggs and mushrooms as examples.

Although they are herbivorous most of the time, but they are able to attack humans as well. They are known more aggressive towards humans than any brown bears in the Eurasia and American black bear.

There was a case in Japan where four people were killed by Asian black bears while picking bamboo shoots. While attacking humans, Asian black bears tend to tear up on their hind legs and knock the victims over with their big paws.

Sadly saying, the population of Asian black bears is declining due to some reasons, such as exploitation and hunting by humans. Their habitats in forests, are mainly cut for human residences. Poaching for their gall bladders and skin are also the main threat of Asian black bear in India.

  •  Chinese Bird Spider

This Chinese bird spider belongs to the family tarantulas. It is mainly found in China and Vietnam. The Chinese bird spider is also known for producing toxins that are called huwentoxins.

It is commonly distinguished by its dark yellow brownish body and shorter length of the horns. The female Chinese bird spiders are known to be one of the largest Asian spiders. Another surprising fact about this female Chinese bird spider is it can live up to 30 years!

The venom of Chinese bird spider is able to cause severe nerve damage. The victim won’t be able to move once they are bitten and even cause death if it is not treated immediately.

  • Asian Giant Hornet

Asian giant hornet is known as the world’s largest hornet. This species of hornet is native to East and South Asia, as well as Southeast Asia and parts of the Russian Far East.

Asian giant hornet is commonly found in low mountains and forests as its habitats. Giant hornet is considered as one of the creepiest ants over the world.

Asian giant hornet feeds mostly on larger insects, tree sap and honey from bee colonies. Its size can reach 45 millimetres long with 75 mm long wingspan and 6 mm long stinger.

Its stinger is able to inject a great amount of venom to its victim. This Asian giant hornet has a nickname by the popular media “murder hornet”.

There was ever a case in China when people were stung for more than 10 times. They were required to ask for medical help. The stings are able to cause kidney failure. In 2013, there were 41 people were killed because of the stings of Asian giant hornet.

This world is full of dangerous, scary and frightening animals. You might want to see the other venomous animals in the world and scary animals over the world watch out!

Ivonne Puspakencana

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