Wild Animal

The 6 Deadliest Animals in Africa that will Give You Horror

Africa is a continent with a great biodiversity and wildlife. It is also a huge home for various selection of dangerous and deadliest animals. Some of them are even the deadliest animals on the planet, which cause significant number of human deaths. You can also see wildlife to discover in the African savanna if you plan to visit Africa one day.

The rank of these deadliest animals that are from Africa is estimated based on the human deaths caused by those animas per year. However, there are some more African animals that are also fatal to human if they are not treated well. In the sea habitat, meet these most dangerous sea creatures. They are extremely dangerous and scary!

Let’s check the 6 deadliest animals in Africa that will give you horror.

  • Puff Adder

Puff adder is a species of Africa’s deadliest snake. It is responsible for causing almost 32,000 human fatalities in a year. It is well known for having powerful venom and puzzling color patterns. Puff adder is also said to be able to kill more people than any species of snake in Africa.

This species of snake is able to grow up to 1 meter long and is solidly built with a thick girth. Do you know that the color pattern varies depends on their location and habitat? It differs based on their location and habitat.

Puff adders brag its prey by their big fangs that are filled with powerful venoms powerful enough to kill a man with a single bite. Their ability to camouflage to its surrounding needs to be aware of as if you accidentally step on this puff adder, you will end up getting bitten.

  • Mosquito

You might underestimate this tiny creature, but the truth is mosquito is killing people approximately 1 million people per year. Mosquito is considered as one of the 6 deadliest animals in Africa that will give you horror. You might start thinking why mosquito is deadly.

The reason is because mosquitos carry the virus called Malaria, which is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Malaria is spread by the female Anopheles mosquitoes.

These female Anopheles mosquitoes are active during dusk and dawn. The good news is you can prevent getting infected by this virus by getting vaccinations and applying simple lotions and sprays.

Do you know that mosquito also become one of the blood sucking animals? It is really horrible!

  • Hippopotamus

This hippopotamus is commonly seen to be a cute animal to be watched from afar. They are commonly previewed staying calm on the surface of water. However, in real, they are not as “calm” or “gentle” as they seem to be.

Hippos are reported to be responsible for causing the deaths of 3,000 people per year in Africa. They do that mostly because they want to protect and defend their territories along the bank of water.

Surprisingly, female hippos are also well known for being aggressive once they feel any threat coming between them and their babies. The predicate as one of the deadliest animals in Africa is also supported by their running speed that can reach up to 32 kilometers per hour.

There is a funny fact about hippo; it is one of the animals that are born as fat animal! They are fat and cute too, but never put them in threat!

  • Lion

This king of cat is not commonly attacking humans, unless they are threatened. Mozambican refugees who usually cross Kruger National Park in South Africa are the common victims attacked and eaten by lions. Lions are responsible for causing at least 10 people in a year (at least in Kruger National Park).

Different with Kruger National Park, in Tanzania, lions are able to kill up to 70 people in a year. The most popular case of lion killing human is the incident of the constructions of Kenya-Uganda railroad in 1898, where the railway workers got attacked by a pair of male lions.

They killed railway workers for over nine months. However, the reasons of this attack have not been revealed and explained.

  • Nile Crocodile

Its predicate as Africa’s largest freshwater predator makes Nile crocodile as one of the 8 deadliest animals in Africa. Nile crocodiles are equipped with armored skin, impressive bite force and razor-sharp teeth. They have ambush tactics that they use to attack any creatures within their reach, including humans.

The number of human deaths reported every year is difficult to be determined, but it is estimated that Nile crocodiles are responsible for causing hundreds of human death every year.

  • Black Mamba

This is another species of deadliest snakes in Africa, besides the puff adders. This species is mostly feared in the East, Central and South Africa. Black mamba is well-known for being the biggest venomous snakes in the entire African continent, with adults reaching around 2,5 meters long and their speed can reach up to 20 km/hour.

They become aggressive while they are cornered and they won’t hesitate to attack once they are in this condition. Black mamba is not “black” at all, but it is rather brownish or olive skinned with inky black mouths that can be seen once it is threatened. You can find black mamba in savannah, scrub, tree hollow and even in people’s homes.

Surprisingly, black mamba is also one of the scary animal over the world watch out.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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