Animal A-Z

6 Endangered Animals in North America

North America, similar to South America, is home of many rare species that are endemic to the region. However, due to several factors, which are mostly human activities and urban development, it has lost its biodiversity every day with many more species even facing extinction. Also check the other endangered animals in South America.

Many vulnerable species continued to be affected and struggle very hard to recover. Let’s admit this, this is sad but this is the truth. North America has 6 endangered species of animals which urgently need protecting. Here are the complete list:

  • Red Wolf

As one of the most critically endangered species in North America, there are only around 15 to 17 individuals left in the wild. This happens due to habitat fragmentation and decades of human activities, such as wildlife-vehicle collisions and wolves being shot for being mistaken as coyotes.

This species has been protected under the Endangered Species Preservation Act, however, the population still has been struggling to recover. Recently, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been reintroducing the rare species in eastern North California. Thus, this helps conserve and boost the population.

Despite the status of being endangered, some wolf species are also considered as the most dangerous animals in some countries. You can check them in most dangerous animals in Canada.

  • Vancouver Marmot

The Vancouver marmot is one endangered species of animals living in the open alpine habitat of Vancouver Island. If you don’t have any idea of marmot, then you can imagine a big squirrel in your mind. That would give you a rough idea of a marmot.

It is a furry herbivore which likes to stay in its small groups of one to three. This group can be found in highly elevated forests. Experts have began counting in 1979 and sadly saying, the numbers of this species have deteriorated from several hundreds in around 1980 to 30 in 2003.

There are some factors affecting the decline number of this creature. Climate change affects its habitat as the rising temperature causes the loss of open alpine landscape.

As a result, the survival rate is really poor. However, since then, some efforts have been made, such as breeding in captivity to increase the numbers. The marmot population has been increasing to an estimated 200.

Marmot is a big squirrel, however there are also some kinds of smallest American squirrel species.

  • Florida Manatee

The first marine mammal to discuss is the Florida manatee. Once, they have ever been critically endangered, but it recovered and was considered as one of the most successful conservation history.

However, due to recent water pollution from industry and urban development, the significant amount of these seagrass beds has been destroyed. A lot, which is more than 1,000 manatees died in 2021 due to starvation.

Many scientists and environmentalists are still arguing whether this species to be considered endangered again.

  • Pygmy Racoon

Pygmy racoons’ habitat is around the coast of Mexico on Cozumel Island. This species mainly resides in the mangrove forests and wetlands by the coast. It is estimated that there are only a few hundred left in the world.

The main cause of the decline number of its population is the rise of tourism on the land. It is an irony. Many scientists predicted that new roads, hotels and golf courses established will use up fresh water that is essential for the racoon’s survival.

Besides, feral cats and dogs are also threat for these racoons as they are carrier of infectious diseases.

If you’re interested with pygmy racoon, then you may also want to read all you need to know about pygmy rabbit.

  • Giant Seabass

Another marine animal facing endangered status is the giant seabass. The giant seabass is commonly found along the reefs of the US West coast.

Their decline population is caused by commercial and sport fishing. Many people think that the number of giant seabass in the wild has recovered, but there is not much evidence to prove this.

Giant seabass may reach around 7 feet long and 500 pounds in weight. They eat small sea creatures, such as anchovies, sardines, carbs and small sharks.

Besides giant seabass, you may also be interested to read more about which species are endangered and how to help life cycle of Amblyrhynchus crisatus the marine iguana of Galapagos.

  • Loggerhead Sea Turtle

This species is known to be endangered since the 1970s. The primary cause of the endangered status is human and urban development. Unfortunately, this has been continuing until now. It takes over its beaching nesting habitats and even convert them into recreational beach facilities.

These creatures should be saved if we don’t want them to be extinct. Human may be the main factor of the endangered status, but we can stop them.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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