Animal A-Z

Meet these 4 Amazing Mammals from the Arctic Ocean!

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean among the other world’s five oceans, but it is one of the most important ecosystems that affects the weather patterns. It is also home for rare and endangered species of living things. It covers an area of 14,056,000 km2.

The area of the Arctic Ocean that is very big enables it to become home for numerous animals, including fish, mammals and birds as well. Because of its ice coverage, the inhabitants of the Arctic Ocean are skilled both on ice and water, including the mammals.

There are also unique facts about Arctic animals. You might know polar bear as one of the most famous mammals in the Arctic Ocean, but there are some more amazing mammals inhabiting the Arctic Ocean. Let’s meet these 4 amazing mammals from the Arctic Ocean.

  • Polar Bear

Polar bear is the famous inhabitant of the Arctic Ocean. Polar bears are known as the largest terrestrial mammals. Though they are born on land, they also spend most of their time on the sea.

They can be found in and on top of the Arctic Ocean. Polar bears main food source comes from seals that come up from the holes in the ice in order to breathe.

Polar bears have thick, dark colored skin and thick furry coat enable the polar bears to survive in the cold temperature of the Arctic Ocean. Check some of the distinctive features of a polar bear that make it cool!

However, it is sad to say that the population of polar bears is declining due to decreasing amount of sea ice. They are even listed as the endangered species of animals.

If you are fans of bear, you might also want to know the 8 types of bears you can find around the world.

  • Seals

Seals, specifically ringed seals, live in the Arctic Ocean. Seals get their name from the distinctive fur pattern of dark spots that are surrounded by grey rings.

Ringed seal is the smallest and the most abundant seal in the Arctic Ocean. It is also the primary and favorite food of polar bear.

Ringed seals prefer large packs of ice, the place where they can find holes for breathing and stay protected. Ringed seals feed on oceanic fish in the Arctic Ocean.

There is another species of seals in the Arctic Ocean, which is the Northern fur seals. They are considered as the largest fur seals all over the world.

This Northern fur seal range from the west coast of the United States to the Arctic Ocean. Northern fur seals have thick coat of fur that keeps them warm in the cool water of the Arctic Ocean.

  • Whales

Beluga whale, bowhead whale and the narwhal are the whale species inhabiting the Arctic Ocean. The most common one is the beluga whale. Beluga whales are popular because of their bright white color.

This feature allows them to camouflage from their predators, which are killer whales and polar bears.

They prefer to stay close to the coast because they can easily find their food. Due to their high-pitched calls, they are popular by being called “The Canary of the Sea”.

Bowhead whale is another popular inhabitant of the Arctic Ocean. These mammals can grow over 60 feet long and weigh nearly 100 tons. Due to their ability to stay within the Arctic and sub-Arctic water, they are considered as unique animals.

Another highlight about bowhead whales is their mouth, which is the largest mouth of any animal on earth. Their mouth is able to sweep the ocean floor sucking all the small invertebrates and copepods just like a strong vacuum cleaner.

Do you know that whale is one of loudest animals on Earth?

  • Walruses

Walrus is one of the large marine mammals inhabiting the Arctic Ocean. They become the most identifiable arctic inhabitants due to their big body size, facial whiskers and their prominent tusks.

Adult male walruses can weigh up to 2,700 pounds, while the female ones can weigh around 1,900 pounds.

They spend most of their time in the shallow water of the Arctic Ocean. They do that to look for mollusks for them to eat. Unlike polar bears and seals, walruses are covered with thick layer of skin and blubber.

These features keep the walruses insulated in the cold temperatures. Walruses have two fierce predators: polar bears and killer whales.

Regarding to their diet, walruses feed on shrimps, crabs, corals and mollusks inside the ocean. Walrus also lives in Antarctica which makes it one of the mammals of Antarctica.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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