
Reasons Why Your Fish is Floating in Fish Tank and How to Solve Them

Fish have various behavior to be observed and some of them reveal some signs or symptoms of those fish. Those types of behavior can imply the condition of happy, stressed or sick fish. You can learn the signs your fish is happy in their new tank and symptoms that tell your fish is sick.

Have you ever seen your fish floating on their backs? For a small amount of aquarium fish and common and popular species of fish, floating on their backs is a normal condition. However, for some other species of fish it can be a sign that something is wrong with the fish and needs your attention.

Let’s see some species of fish that float on their backs and the reasons why. By knowing the species of the fish that float and the reasons why, you can consider the further actions you can do to your fish.

  • Lionfish

This saltwater fish is sometimes found swimming upside down. Lionfish swimming upside down is considered as normal behavior. Their swim bladders can be manipulated to allow them swimming at odd angles, even in an upside down way. So, if you keep a lionfish and see your fish is floating and swimming upside down, then it is normal and nothing to be worried of.

  • Catfish

This fish belongs to freshwater fish and is well-known for the way it swims in an upside down way. Catfish mostly spend 90 percent of its time swimming upside down. There is no certain reason why, but swimming this way is considered as normal. It is also not a sign of something wrong in its health.

You can see the freshwater fish to put in your fish tank.

If you plan to keep catfish in your aquarium, you can see some tips to breed catfish, you may read benefits of papaya leaves in breeding catfishes.

  • Swim Bladder Disease

Apart from those types of fish: catfish and lionfish, floating can be a sign of something wrong that needs your concern. Floating can be a behavior that indicate the problem in the fish’s swim bladder.

Damage to the swim bladder is also a symptom of various diseases, such as shock, physical injury caused by fighting or infection. If your fish is swimming upside down and floating, then you need to do checking to figure out the cause in order to find the appropriate treatment.

  • Reaction to the Aquarium Condition

Once your fish starts floating or swimming upside down, it can be a reaction to some conditions in the aquarium. When it is the first time your fish entering the aquarium, it can cause your fish to swim in an odd way, including floating or swimming upside down.

You can make the light in the aquarium dimmer to reduce stress and help your new fish get adapted. Fighting fish can also cause your fish to hurt their swim bladder. You may not see the fighting fish, but once you find out bloody scuff marks or ripped fins, then you need to separate the fish.  

What to do When Your Fish is Floating?

There are some things you can do if you have a fish that swim in a floating way, especially if your fish experience swim bladder disease.

  • Keeping the water clean and at certain temperature, specifically between 78 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping the temperature properly is one of tips on how to keep your fish healthy.
  • Aquarium salt can be added into the tank. You can add two spoons of non-iodized salt and Epsom salt per gallon to the water. Salt has lots of benefits, check one of the benefits of salt for breeding catfishes.
  • Water flow in the tank with a strong current should be reduced.
  • If your fish seem to have problem with movement, you can do hand feeding.
  • Increase the amount of food gradually, and feed only live food and green peas for at least a week. Do that before introducing the fish back into the aquarium.

In conclusion, floating can be one of the normal behaviors that certain species of fish that is considered normal. However, it can also imply other conditions, such as swim bladder issue.

Swim bladder is also a serious issue that a fish can experience. However, if you notice the symptoms earlier, you can consider the right treatment for your fish so it won’t get worse.

You can also find other interesting information about fish, such as whether your pet fish remember you: a study say yes and fish point of view how this animal see the world.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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