
Beware of these Symptoms of Kidney Stones in Dogs

All of us know how painful kidney stones can be, and the bad news is a dog can also experience kidney stones. The small deposits of minerals can break off and cause a great pain for your dogs as they try to use the bathroom.

All dogs are susceptible of developing kidney stones, however, there are some breeds that are more susceptible to certain types of kidney stones. There’s also a disease in dogs related to excretion system, it is called urinary incontinence in dogs.

Kidney stones can be very painful and may lead to some more serious conditions, such as urinary tract inflammations, tissue damage, and infection. If you suspect your dogs to have symptoms of kidney stones, then you should schedule an appointment with your vet to discuss about the possible treatment. The earlier the notice, the better it you will be able to prevent it from getting worse.

Kidney stones in dogs may not cause any symptoms at all. However, there are some symptoms that can be observed as they are similar to the symptoms of urinary tract infections.

Do you know that you can figure out some diseases you can catch from dog urine and feces?

The symptoms of kidney stones in dogs include:

  • Presence of blood in the urine – the stones damaging and irritating the bladder lining
  • Urinating in inappropriate locations
  • Licking at the genitals
  • Pain during urination
  • Frequent urination with small amount
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Urinating with increased urgency
  • Abdominal pain or pain near the kidneys area
  • Straining to urinate
  • Fever
  • Depression – in case your dog experiences depression, you can try these methods to treat depression in dog
  • Crystals evident in urine
  • Increased in thirst
  • Enlarged or swollen belly
  • Cloudy urine
  • Abnormal smell of the urine (especially if there’s bacterial infection)

If these symptoms are not noticed early and left untreated, then there might be some complications happen to your dog. The condition will get worsened and it will lead to complete or partial obstruction of the urinary tract.

An obstruction is a dangerous condition as toxins will accumulate in the bloodstream and damage the kidney. Here are the signs indicating an obstruction:

There are some smaller dog breeds that are considered more susceptible of getting kidney stones too, such as lhasa apsos, Yorkshire terriers, miniature schnauzers, and shih tzus. Dalmatians can sometimes get exposed to kidney stones due to their genetic mutation that makes it hard for them to process one of the acids leading to stones.

It is very important for you as dog owner to be aware of the symptoms above. If you notice your dog is exhibiting some of the symptoms above, then contact your vet immediately.

Moreover, some kidney stones in dogs are inactive. That means that the stones are not infected, growing and causing any harm or obstructions. These inactive stones may not need to be removed as they don’t cause any symptoms or damage, still, they should be monitored through regular urinalysis to make sure that there are no changes.

After looking at the symptoms, then you may start questioning about the causes of kidney stones in dogs. There’re are some causes of kidney stones in dogs, such as improper diet, long-term exposures to diuretics, dehydration and recurrent urinary tract infections.

The normal urine of a dog is slightly acidic and breaks down minerals, then it is flushed out of the body. When the urine is too acidic or concentrated, it will form some crystals and create stones. Overabundance of these minerals will also lead to the forming of the stones.

 It is very important for dog owners to know the symptoms of kidney stones in dogs. If this condition continues and is left untreated, again, it could lead to a blockage which is really fatal for the dog. Make sure you are aware of the symptoms and monitor your dog’s urine pattern.

Contact your vet if you have any concerns. By doing early detection, your dog doesn’t have to undergo surgery to remove the stones. Also, make sure to keep your dogs well-hydrated to prevent them from getting kidney stones too.

Lastly, make sure that your dogs get all the nutrients they need. Healthy dogs may get less exposed to some diseases. You can try these tips of boosting your dog’s immune system. If your dog is happy and healthy, you will also be happy!

Ivonne Puspakencana

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