
Helpful Tips on Boosting Your Dog’s Immune System

Keeping a dog as a pet means having responsibility to keep him healthy both mentally and physically. To be able to make him healthy and happy, as an owner, you need to make sure that he has good immune system.

Sometimes, due to some conditions, such as stress and environmental changes, a dog’s immune system might be weakened. When your dog’s immune system is weakened, any bad condition might happen.

In contrast, when your dog’s immune system is strong, then any diseases won’t be able to infect him. His mental and physical condition will be great and as a result, he won’t make you feel worried.

Then, what are the ways to boost your dog’s immune system? Look at these helpful tips on boosting your dog’s immune system. They are very simple and practical to do.

  • Get Him to Play

Keeping your dog fit is the key of boosting his immune system and health. If your dog doesn’t exercise, then the fat in his body will be able to weaken his immune system. Exercising will burn the excess fat in his body and it will also help encounter inflammation and possibility of getting diseases.

Naturally, dogs are active animals, they will love exercise and play as parts of their daily activities. However, keep in mind that exercising does not have to be very hard. It should be fun for your dogs. You can do some fun activities while exercising.

The amount of exercise needed for each dog is different depending on his breed, age and general health conditions. Look at these simple exercises for your dog to maintain its health. You can even do it with him!

  • Give Him the Best Food with Good Nutrients

Your dog’s diet is another key of having good and strong immune system. Dr. Susan Wynn, a diplomat from ACVN stated that your dog’s gut contains of 70 percent of his immune system.

The guts also contains some microbiome, which consists of hundreds species of bacteria and their balance is affected by your dog’s diet. Make sure your dog food contains essential nutrients your pets should have.

Moist and meat-based diet is highly suggested for dogs. Regarding to commercial dry food for dogs, it contains 40% of starch that might lead to inflammation. So, the best diet you can give to your dog is the natural and homemade food.

You can feed some potatoes and sweet potatoes to your dogs. Make sure to include some fresh vegetables and meat as well to your dog’s diet. You can even practice making these recipes you can cook for your dog game changer.

You can consult with your veterinarian about the best diet plan for your dog as different dog might have different diet plan.

  • Fish Oil

Fish oil can be a beneficial supplement for boosting your dog’s immune system. As we know, fish oil has a lot of benefits for our pets, such as promoting brain function, boosting the power of their brains, and even stimulating shiny and healthy coat.

Omega fish oil will also be beneficial for boosting your dog’s immune system too. Fish oil is also beneficial for cats just like elaborated in benefits of fish oil for cats.

  • Touch and Massage

Touching and massaging your dog will provide him relaxation and healing. When your dog is healed and relaxed, then his health will also be affected. There is even a research that found that massage is able to reduce the stress hormones in the body. It is also shown that moderate pressure massage is able to boost immune system.

  • Probiotics

Again, your dog’s immune system comes mainly from his gut. Probiotics consumption will be beneficial for boosting your dog’s immune system as they contain a lot of beneficial bacteria. Bifidobacteria and L. acidophilus are the examples of good bacteria provided by probiotics.

They act as the front liner, sticking to the intestinal mucosa, which keeps the bad bacteria from entering the intestines lines. Preventing the bacteria from entering the intestines will prevent inflammation inside the gut as well.

You can feed your dog some probiotics on a regular basis. When you do that, you will have your dog getting diarrhea less frequently and boosting his immune system too!

Probiotics is also one of the ways you can do as home remedies for your vomiting dog.

  • Keep Every Stuffs Clean

Dogs like to sniff and lick everything outside the house and come back playing with his stuffs at home. We never know what germs he brings in his mouth. The germs in his mouth are likely to be transmitted to everything he touches.

That’s why regular cleaning of his stuffs is essential for killing the bacteria that might weaken his immune system. You can use warm water to clean his stuffs and avoid using dish soap as it could be toxic for him. Then, make sure all his stuffs are dry before you give them access to touch them.

Also make sure that your dog is also clean from fleas. You can follow these ways to get rid and prevent fleas on your pets. Fleas are small creatures, but they can be fatal to your lovely dog. Keep them away!

Ivonne Puspakencana

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