
5 Proven Reasons Why do your Bird Pets Lose their Feathers?

Feather loss is more or less similar to hair loss to dogs and cats. Feathers of birds are important as they provide protection, flight, insulation and also visual signals to other pets. Feather loss is not that fatal, but it is quite disturbing for some owners.

Meanwhile, some of feather loss cases can also be signs of serious diseases. Chickens also experience feather loss and the reasons might be similar to the reasons why birds loss their feathers. Before reading this, you can also read common reasons your chickens lose feathers.

There are some factors causing feather loss in birds, such as hormonal imbalances, mites or lice or bacteria, injury, underlying diseases that affect the skin or even psychological problems.

If you are a bird parent, then you should be aware of the reasons why your bird pets lose their feathers. By knowing the causes, you will be able to decide the best treatment for your bird pets.

  • Some Nutrients Deficiency

Lack of protein, fats and certain vitamins and minerals can lead to feather loss in birds. Lack of vitamin A, for example, can lead to feather disorder. However, sometimes it is not about the food that is bad, but the animal itself is not able to utilize the nutrients in the food.

If your bird pet loses its feather due to this dietary matter, then dietary changes are highly suggested. You can consult with your avian veterinarian to decide the best diet for your bird pet.

These best food choices for your cockatiel birds are just examples about the best food you can give to your birds.

  • Parasites

There is a skin parasite that is commonly seen in pet birds. It is called Knemidokoptes. It commonly affects Budgerigars and canaries. You can notice this parasite by the thickening of the tissues of the cere and legs. Though you can see the symptoms, your bird pet still should be tested through microscopic examination before deciding the suitable treatment.

External parasites, such as red mites, feather mites or lice, also commonly cause birds to have irritation on their skin. If parasites are the suspect of feather loss of your bird pet, then you should confirm it to your veterinarian and get the recommended treatment.

  • Stress and Other Psychological Problems

Do you know that it is not only humans who can experience stress? Birds might also feel stressed due to some reasons, such as loud noises, lack of food and water, too high or low temperature, or the presence of cage mates.

If your bird pet is experiencing any changes in the routines, it will also be likely to feel stressed. How to tell that a finch bird is stressed out will tell your further about the symptoms and signs of a stressed bird.

You can solve this problem by providing good nutrition food and fresh water every day. Besides, you also need to observe the cage mates that you put together with your bird pet.

The new comer might be intimidating or more dominant. Observe their behavior, and if there’s something suspicious, you’d better remove the new comer if it is needed. 

Unhappiness is also one of the causes of feather loss, too. Some cases, such as moving to a new cage or loss of the family member can create stress that also leads to feather loss. Look at these tips on how to make your first cockatiel happy. Happiness is the key of being healthy.

  • Viruses and Bacteria

Feather loss in birds can also be caused by viruses and bacteria. A good example of the virus is Circovirus, the virus that causes feather loss in the head and elsewhere in the body and wings.

Moreover, it is commonly experienced by wild cockatoos. If you are having a cockatoo as a pet, make sure you enrich your knowledge about how to take care of your cockatoo.

Skin damage caused by bacteria and yeast also leads to feather damage and even bare patches on the skin. If your bird pet experiences this, it is better to bring it to your vet so that the problem can be minimalized.

  • Behavior Changes

Feather plucking and skin tearing are two behaviors that can lead to feather loss in bird pets. Birds in the wild are able to interact with each other in a flock, but when it is put in a cage, their behavior will change.

Dominance factors, boredom, and even breeding frustration might stimulate self-mutilation behavior. You need to consult with your vet avian if you find this case for your bird pets. He will find a recommendation of the environmental change or even hormonal therapy.

What to do When Your Bird Pets Lose Their Feathers?

Once you find out that your bird pet is losing its feather, the first thing you do is bringing it to the vet to get the best way to solve that problem. Your vet will recommend some ways to treat feather loss for your bird pets, such changes in dietary and also some supplements that your bird pets need.

Some ways to prevent feather loss in your bird pets can also be done. These ways, such as avoiding air pollutants, moving your bird cage from one location to another, avoiding putting aggressive cage mate together, and also having annual health check. Treating feather loss needs your patience, so you need to do it thoroughly to make it successful.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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