
The 9 Best Vegetables Your Pet can Eat

Pets are parts of the family and due to that reason, the pet parents have to give the best care for their pets. Feeding pets might be as simple as giving food, but there are some food that are not suitable for pets.

As a pet parent, it is very important to know which food is suitable and beneficial for the pets and which ones are harmful. Vegetables and fruits are two types of food that are healthy for all living things, including your pets.

If you plan to feed your dogs with vegetables, make sure you read if it is possible to do feeding dogs by giving vegetables: what to know. Feeding vegetables is a great way to keep your pets healthy. Vegetables are known to have some essential nutrients needed by your pets.

Besides, feeding vegetables is also help you reduce cost, which gives you extra money to buy some pet food. Then, what are the best vegetables for your pets? Let’s see these 9 best vegetables you can feed to your pets.

  • Spinach

Spinach is a super food, both for humans and pets. Spinach is rich of vitamins and minerals needed by your pets’ body. It may help in all area of your pet’s health. However, avoid giving spinach in a large amount or if your pet has kidney disease as it may turn harmful for its kidneys.

  • Pumpkin

Pumpkin is also another vegetable considered as the great health food for pets. Pumpkin is rich in fiber and it is beneficial for helping pets suffering from diarrhea or constipation. It’s also rich in vitamins and minerals and is a great source of water. Avoid mixing pumpkin with added sugar or spices as pumpkin pie filling.

  • Carrots

Carrots are known to be the main food of rabbits, that’s why it is listed in the food that are beneficial for gaining your rabbit’s weight. Carrots are also good for your pets! They are famous for maintaining the health of the eye and the skin.

They also do the same thing with your pets. Carrots are rich in fiber and beta-carotene. Having your pet crunching on carrots is a good idea for your pet’s teeth.

  • Cabbage

Cabbage is very helpful to aid in digestion, fighting cancer and improving the health of the skin and fur for your pets, especially for cats and dogs. You can simply shred the cabbage over your pet’s food to introduce it to its diet, however, consider giving it in a moderate portion.

Giving too much cabbage to your pets will be harmful as it can affect your thyroid’s gland. To ease your pet’s digestion, it is suggested to cook the cabbage before feeding it to your pets. Cabbage is also listed of fruit and vegetable your pets can eat.

  • Green Beans

Fresh green beans are rich in iron and vitamins. Due to this reason, feeding green beans to your pets will make it a healthy option for your pets, especially dogs and cats. Make sure to feed only fresh or frozen green beans instead of canned green beans. Canned green beans tend to have some salt added into it.

  • Lettuce

Lettuce is a great source of water and rich in fiber. It helps add water and fiber to your pet’s diet so your pet will keep hydrated and full. If you plan to feed lettuce to your pet, make sure to cut the leaves into very thin slices so it will be easier to eat.

You can also place it on top of your pet’s usual food to introduce it. Lettuce is rich in water so it can prevent your pets from getting dehydration. Get to know more about signs of dehydration in cats.

  • Peas

Peas contain great amount of vitamin B, thiamin and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are able to boost the energy level and improve bone health in pets.

You can feed your pets the frozen, thawed, steamed or mashed so they will be a great snack or compliment to your pet’s normal diet. Avoid feeding canned peas as there might be some salt or sodium added.

  • Sweet Potato

Similar to pumpkins, sweet potato also gives fiber, water and nutrients that are beneficial for aiding your pet’s digestive problems. There’re even more nutritional value, containing thiamine, vitamin, niacin and copper. Due to these reasons, consider giving sweet potatoes than regular white potatoes.

  • Zucchini

The last but not least vegetable you can feed to your pets is zucchini. This vegetable is very great and beneficial for your pets as it is a great source of vitamin C, magnesium and potassium.

The best way to serve it is by shredding it on top of your pet’s regular meal. Zucchini is also able to protect your pets from infections, cancer and some cardiovascular diseases.

Besides feeding your pets with the listed vegetables above, make sure that you also fulfill your pets’ other nutrients they need. See the complete list of essential nutrients your pets should have.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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