
Never Feed these 7 Poisonous Food to your Dogs!

Dogs are lovely as well as opportunists. They will be pleased every time their parents feed them delicious foods. We, dog parents, sometimes cannot resist the big brown eyes and the cute grin they show us.

Feeding our dog with some food or treats might not be harmful, but keep in mind that not all foods are safe for dogs (though they are really delicious!). Also spend time reading delicious foods that actually are toxic for your dog.

As a dog parent, it is very important for you to know which food are safe for your dogs and which ones are harmful and poisonous for them. Some foods are downright dangerous for dogs and some of them are common food. So, make sure to never feed your dog with any of these 7 poisonous food.

  • Xylitol

Xylitol is a type of sweetener found in gum, candy, toothpaste and baked goods. This is not a natural sweetener so if it is consumed, your dog’s blood sugar will drop and it may lead to liver failure.

Please notice any early symptoms caused by consuming xylitol, such as vomiting, lethargy and some coordination problems. Your dog will possibly experience seizures too and the liver failure may happen within just a few days. If your dog accidentally consumes xylitol, call your vet or bring your dog immediately to your vet.

  • Avocado

Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits for human, but not for dogs. Not everything that is healthy for you is safe and suitable for your dogs. Avocados have something called persin.

Consuming too much persin for dog might cause vomiting and diarrhea. If you also grow avocados at home, make sure to keep the plants from your dog. Persin can be found in the avocado plants’ leaves, seed, bark and the fruits.

Avocado seeds, anyway can become stuck in your dog’s intestines or stomach and it could be fatal. That’s why avocado is listed as one of the forbidden fruits for your dogs.

  • Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are perfect for your dish, but not for your dogs. Any form of garlic and onions, either powdered, raw, cooked or dehydrated are poisonous for your dogs.

They will cause anemia by killing their red blood cells. Eating too much at once may lead to poisoning. You also need to pay attention to the symptoms of consuming garlic and onions in dogs, such as vomiting, weakness and breathing problems.

There are also some foods that cause diarrhea in dogs and never ever try giving them even once!

  • Caffeine (tea and coffee)

Caffeine keeps us alive and awake, but not for dogs. If you want to keep your dog perky, get them some toys so they can stay alive by enjoying the toy.

Caffeine is fatal to dogs as it raises the blood pressure and causes cardiac arrhythmias which is dangerous. The dog consuming caffeine may also lose its muscle control and have tremors or seizures.

Dogs are also more sensitive to caffeine than humans so a single or two licks of coffee or tea might cause poisoning.

  • Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins are perfect for dessert or cake toppings, but not for dogs. You should know that raisins and grapes have active ingredients that cause severe liver damage and kidney failure in dogs.

Even a small amount of them may make your dog sick. Vomiting over and over is a sign that you should be aware off. Within a day, your dog may get sluggish and depressed. If this happens, bring your dog immediately to the vet.

  • Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? Even dogs will love it if you give it to them. However, never ever try it as it is another poisonous food for dogs. There’s a stimulant called theobromine in a chocolate that is toxic for dogs and may cause kidney failure. Dark chocolate has the highest content of theobromine, so never ever feed dark chocolate or any kind of chocolate to your dogs!

  • Milk and Other Dairy Products

You may think that milk is rich in calcium and it is very good for strengthening your dog’s bones. However, when it comes to milk for humans, it can be poisonous for dogs. Milk and other dairy products, unless specially made for dogs, are able to cause diarrhea and allergies.

They may digestive problems and itchiness on their skin if they get allergies, also read signs your dog has food allergies. If you plan to give them milk, make sure the dairy products are specifically made for dogs.

If your dog experiences food allergies, then try feeding these best dog food for dogs with skin allergies.

  • Raw Eggs

Some people love to feed their dogs with raw food, including uncooked eggs. However, most of the veterinary medical associations think it is not a good idea. A chance of food poisoning from the bacteria in the uncooked eggs is possible.

The common bacteria can be found in uncooked eggs are salmonella and E. coli. Make sure you consult with your vet first before feeding your dog with uncooked eggs.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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