Beware of These 8 Dangerous Insects in the World

When you think about survival to the fittest. Immediately you think about larger animals that can kills smaller ones. Yet, actually, some small creatures like insects can be very deadly.

With a wide variety of insects in the world, you can only imagine how many of them are really dangerous to other animals or even human.

Check out this list of dangerous animals in New Zealand and see how most of them are actually insects. The list below explains several insects in the world that annoys human the most and also dangerous to others.  

1. Termites

The term dangerous can mean harming other animals or human. Besides that, it can also harm your wooden furniture and housing structures. You can train your dog or cat not to ruin your furniture. You can not do that with termites.

They spread slowly but surely. They live in a colony and can take over your house. It is very hard to detect termite in small groups. Before you know it, they are everywhere.

For best protection, call the pest control and fix the problem right away. Termite can move from one furniture to another.

2. Deer Tick

The deer tick is very dangerous for human. If it gets to people and bit them it can infect people with Lyme disease. It starts with rashes around the tick bite and develops to worse condition.

People can actually die from its bite. The deer tick actually bigger than your common tick size. It is found in deer and bears. They are common bug around The United States.

3. Black Widow

When you think of snakes immediately your brain thinks of them as dangerous. Yet, there are actually many non-venomous snakes out there.

The opposite implies to spider that people do not think they are harmful. Yet there are some of the spider with deadly venom like the Black Widow.

The large spider is very popular for its habit to cannibalism its mate. Think of what will happen to people when they are bitten by the Black Widow spider.

Its deadly venom requires immediate medical attention. Luckily there is the antidote that you can take as soon as possible after you are being bitten by a black widow.  

4. Fire and Bullet Ant

There are many dangerous Ant, to begin with. One of them is the fire ant. It left an itchy sting when it bites any part of your body. It’s a slightly larger size and red colour makes it stand out anywhere.

Another deadly Ant is the bullet ant. When you are stung by a bullet Ant it literally felt like you are being hit by a bullet. The pain and the itch are unbearable.

5. Yellow Jackets

We all know that bee can sting badly. But they only do that when they are provoked. The German Yellow Jacket in North America is an aggressive insect. It does not sting you only once and go away.

It will attack multiple times and left the person that they stung in a lot of pain. The yellow stripes on the entire body make them visible. It is not like they attack without notice. So better watch of this stinger. Do not provoke them. 

6. Puss Caterpillars

Don’t let the furry appearance fool you. The adorable feature that this caterpillar has disgust it’s venomously stung. It is far from scary-looking animals that you often think dangerous.

The furry skin is actually spikes of the fur. They are powerful venom that causes a numb sensation with direct contact. In just second you will feel chest pain and hard to breath.

7. Human Bot Flies 

Animals often carried other animals and infected others. This happens to mosquitos or tick that human has been fear for all their life. A house is full of mosquitos definitely a sign for deep cleaning.

These animals can bring human bot flies in larvae form. Mosquitos are already known for not being the cleanest animal. So, clean your home and your pet’s home.

Because human bot flies can cause infection under your skin. Although it is dangerous for human, it commonly infects deer and cows.

8. Bed bugs – The worst bugs ever

The common house bug is very irritating. They are incredibly small and often time you found not only one bed bug but several. You can not underestimate their really small size.

It sucks human blood and left itchy feeling in the bitten areas. Everyone knows them, you can not have a serious injury from a bed bug. However, how can you sleep at night thinking waking up the next morning covered in a rash.  

Do not let these colorful and adorable looking insect fool you. Although they are small, their stung and bites can cause irritation and other annoying discomforts.

That is why people need to clean their house or put on some natural pest control around the house. Speaking of natural pest control, let’s look on how to make natural pest control.

Showering and bathing twice a day is also a good way of preventing any insects bite for making a home in your home or worse. your body.