
7 Exercises You can Do with your Rabbit

Rabbits are known to be pets which are energetic. That’s why it is important to keep them exercising to release their energy and boredom as well. Exercising with pets has lots of benefits, such as relieving stress, keeping the body in shape, maintaining health and also creating happiness for both owners and pets.

If you live with children and wish to have pet rabbit, pet rabbit which is friendly enough for children will be perfect.

Exercise can happiness for both of you and your rabbit. A happy rabbit is always a healthy rabbit. Besides, you can also have stronger bonding with your rabbit by spending time together.

Then, the questions is how you can exercise your rabbit and what kind of exercise you can do with your rabbit. Let’s have fun by these 7 exercises you can do with your rabbit.

  • Digging

Rabbit is animal which loves to dig everything. That’s why in the wild, rabbits live in burrows that they dig by themselves. Though your pet rabbit lives in the house, it still needs to dig.

You can allow your rabbit to dig your lawn, or if you don’t want it, you just can prepare a shallow planter filled with soil. Then, your rabbit will just dig around in it. Make sure you always supervise your rabbit while digging.

  • Foraging

Rabbits spend most of the day foraging for food. At home, all the food they need must have been provided. However, you can make their habits of foraging for food as their exercise at home.

You can provide forage trays and hide their food amongst the scrunched newspaper or even grass. However, you need to make sure that the grass you provide is listed on types of grass that are healthy for rabbits. Allow them to sniff and find their food by themselves.

Another alternative can be by scatter feeding. You can just spread their food around the clean area, such as floor, or in a cardboard box filled with hay.

When you want to exercise your rabbit by using food you also need to be aware of the types of food your rabbit shouldn’t eat.

  • Playing Tag

Who says rabbits cannot play tag? They can! Rabbits love to run around, including run around after people. If your rabbit is following you, you can turn and run away and it will chase you for sure.

Then, take turns, and chase your rabbit, so it will run away in the other direction. To make your rabbit get used to of this game, you might take several times to teach it.

It will take time to understand what it needs to do. However, once it is successful, then it will be a great idea to get your rabbit exercising.

  • Walk Your Rabbit on a Leash

This is the easiest way to get your rabbit exercising. You can attach your rabbit in a harness with a leash. It might be hard to put it in a harness at first, so make sure you provide a delay time before putting the harness on and starting to walk. Make sure you know ways on how to care for a rabbit when playing outdoors as it might be exposed to dangerous things outside.

For the type of harness used, make sure you choose the H harness. This harness can be found in the cat section in the pet store. Never use a harness or collars going around the neck as it might cause injury.

Rabbit would rather to roam freely and explore the space by itself, but walking on a leash can be considered as an alternative.

Never leave your rabbit leashed when you are not around. It might chew the leash, get tangled or even unable to escape from predator or danger.

  • Jumping

Rabbit also loves to jump. You can provide different levels of the jump by putting the toys in the upturned containers. By doing so, you can allow it to get its toys by climbing up and jumping on it.

  • Exploring

Rabbits enjoy exploring things around. That’s why it can be a trigger for it to exercise. You can start by buying some toys at the pet shop. Let your rabbit explore its new toys or things that are around it.

You can hang some newspaper or paper towels to the low hanging clothes, and allow your rabbit to grab it to chew it or just pull it off.  

  • Gnawing

Gnawing is what rabbits love to do. Gnawing is beneficial for their teeth to have a good length. Rabbit’s teeth are always growing, don’t you know that? To allow your rabbits to gnaw, you can provide some small branches of some trees, such as apple, maple and willow.

If you have a pet rabbit at home, you might need some tips of rabbits health such as causes of sudden death in healthy rabbits. This condition should be prevented. That’s why you need to be aware of the condition of your rabbit.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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