
Everything You Need to Know about Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats

Upper respiratory infection in cats is also known as feline upper respiratory infection. This is a common illness a cat might have. In general, it is similar to a cold, but this infection can be more serious than that.

There are several causes of the upper respiratory infection in cats, such as bacteria or viruses. This infection attacks the upper airway, including the nose, throat and sinuses rather than the lungs.

Another illness that attacks cat’s respiratory system is rapid breathing. Find out the causes of rapid breathing in cats.

Every cat gets the possibility of being infected by this upper respiratory infection. That’s why as the owner, you need to be knowledgeable of this illness.

Let’s see everything you need to know about upper respiratory infection in cats, including the causes, symptoms, and treatment.

What Causes Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats?

This upper respiratory infection in cats is commonly caused by viruses. There is about 80-90% of the cases are viral while the rests are caused by bacteria. The most common culprits of this upper respiratory infection in cats are present in shelters and multi-cat households. Here are the common causes:

  • Feline herpes virus – this virus is commonly related to the virus causing chicken pox and cold sores in people. However, don’t worry, your cats won’t be able to transfer this virus to humans. To prevent this virus, you should get your cat get these essential vaccines for cat.
  • Bordetella – this is the bacterial infection related to stress and overcrowded conditions. However, this is commonly experienced by dogs, but cats are also able to be exposed with this infection.
  • Fungus – bird droppings and decaying plants can be the causes of fungal infections in cats.
  • Chlamydia – this is a bacterial infections. Runny eyes are the typical sign of this infection. Chlamydia in cats should also be treated immediately.

Viruses can be found mostly in saliva, tears and nasal secretions of the infected cats. These liquids can spread easily through direct contact, such as grooming and touching or even when the infected cats sneeze or cough on each other. Food and water bowl can also be the place where viruses live.

Keep in mind that a cat that is infected by feline herpes virus will always carry it for the rest of its lives. So that’s why even when it doesn’t look sick, it still may be able to transfer the virus.

Common Symptoms of Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats

Knowing the symptoms of upper respiratory infection in cats is very important as the earlier you notice the symptoms, the earlier you can do the treatment.

You can even save your cat’s life. The symptoms for each cat might be different depend on the cause and location of the infection. Here are the common symptoms of upper respiratory infection in cats:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Runny eyes, and presence of eyes discharge
  • Depression
  • Coughing
  • Congestion
  • Lethargy or weakness
  • Rubbing eyes or squinting
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drooling
  • Hoarse voice

If you find more than one of the symptoms above exhibited by your cat, then you can immediately contact your vet.

How to Treat the Cats with the Upper Respiratory Infection?

Your vet is the one who knows the best on how to treat your cat with upper respiratory infection. The treatment might include isolation, rest, fluids from IV, support of nutrition and also medications. If your cat is getting bacterial infection instead of viral infection, then your cat might need antibiotics as well.

While your cat is in the recovery process, there are some things you can do to comfort it at home:

  • Provide a place, which are comfortable and private for your cat to rest.
  • Always encourage your cat to eat. Your cat might lose its sense of smell, so you need extra attention to tempt your cat’s appetite by providing an extra-smelly food such as fish. You might need to practice making these yummy recipe of homemade cat food. They are hard to resist by your cats for sure!
  • Clean the discharge from its nose and eyes gently.
  • If your cat is having breathing problem, then you might need to put your cat in a bathroom with a steamy shower running.

Treating your cat with upper respiratory infection as immediately as directed. If it is left untreated, some serious problems will be ready to attack your cat, such as blindness, or even chronic breathing problem.

See also the other common diseases of cat. Remember to always be a responsible owner, as your cat’s life is in your hands.

If you’re looking for something fun with your cat, you may see these 6 fun games to play with your beloved cats. Your cat needs to be happy so it will also be healthy!

Ivonne Puspakencana

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