
Possible Reasons Why Your Betta Fish Losing Their Color and How to Solve It

Have you experienced your betta fish losing their color or turning white? They can turn white, black or just fading. The normal or common color of betta fish can be red, orange, yellow, blue, green and any other colors that are colorful. However, if your fish is losing the color, then you might start thinking about a certain problem.

If you experience this situation, then don’t get panic yet as this kind of condition is quite normal for betta fish. Let’s see the reasons why your betta fish is losing color and some solutions you can try at home.

There are some underlying reasons that cause your betta fish losing its color. Let’s see the main reasons so you will be able to decide the proper solution to solve the problem.

  • Stress

Stress the main cause of any problems in life, don’t you agree? It also happens to fish. Once they are stressed, there might be some problems, both physically and mentally. Betta fish are not as hardy as other people think.

They need 5-gallon heated and filtered water in their tank to live happily. Besides, feeding them regularly will avoid them from getting stressful. You can check the best food for your betta fish in nutritional food to feed your betta fishes.

If your betta fish is injured, it might lose color. For instance, when they suffer from fin rot, the color might turn lighter or darker. However, this is still considered as natural condition and nothing to worry about.

If you want to know how to tell if a fish is happy, you can read signs your fish is happy in their new tank. Happy fish, happy owner!

  • Certain Illness

Some diseases, such as the Velvet disease, can lead to color change in your betta fish. This disease causes your betta fish to have white color, but it begin to take to a goldish color after that. Ich is also a common disease causing your betta fish to have white dots on their fins and bodies.

Update your knowledge about symptoms that tell your fish is sick. Learn about the symptoms so you can prevent worse condition.

  • Old Age

Betta fish has a finite lifespan and during its twilight years, its health starts to decline. You can do much about this as getting old is experienced by any living things. Age determines the color of your betta fish. Clean and healthy tank will enable your betta fish to have 5 years to stay alive.

Sadly saying, when your betta fish starts to enter its last year, its color starts to diminish, its energy starts to lower down. This aging process can be kept naturally as long as you keep the healthy feeding process and healthy fish tank for your fish to enjoy their time.

  • Anchor Worms

Anchor worm is a small worm that is often white in color, but it can vary in color too. If your fish is suffering from anchor worms, your betta fish will show some signs other than losing color such as: lethargic behavior, scraping, ulcers and sores and even breathing difficulty!

How to Solve It?

After looking at the causes or reasons why your betta fish is losing color, then you start to think how to solve those problems. Here are the simple solutions you can do to solve the losing color problem in your betta fish.

  • Big Tank is Needed

As being told before, betta fish need 5-gallon fish tank to live happily. If they don’t feel happy, then they will get stressed and they might start losing their color.

The big tank will take longer time for the water parameter to change, such as the temperature change. Besides, by having big fish tank, your betta fish will be less aggressive as they have big space as their own territory.

Need some idea in constructing your fish tank? Take a look at before you build your fish empire get inspired from these aquarium designs.

  • Regular Water Changes

You need to keep the water in your fish tank clean and healthy for your betta fish, so you need to change the water regularly. The frequency of changing the water will depend on the size of your tank.

The smaller the tank, the more often you need to perform water changes. For example: a-10 gallon tank will need water change for around 2 weeks.

  • Feed Some Color Enhancing Food

Healthy food is a must to be fed to your betta fish. Do you even know that there are some types of food that can enhance the color of your betta fish? Salmon and daphnia are the examples of food that are good for enhancing the color of your fish. However, always be mindful that you cannot feed your fish with these types of food too much.

Look at maximizes your betta fish diet by giving them these 2 foods. They are really beneficial for your betta fish.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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