
Your Cat is Suddenly Quiet? 4 Reasons Why Your Cat Suddenly Quiet

It is nice to hear your cat meowing, isn’t it? It is really cute and loving. Cats meow for several reasons, for example asking for attention, feeling hungry or even indicating some serious problems.

Surprisingly, adult cats seldom meow but kittens meow more often. They consider meowing as a kittenish behavior. Cats or kittens are meowing for several reasons, check causes of kitten to meow constantly. Meowing is one of the means of communication your cats trying to do with you.

When your cats seem to be very quiet, there are some possible reasons of it. It can be the condition of your cat losing voice or she is experiencing silent meow.

Silent meow is a condition when your cat meows without any sound. The silent meow is considered common among felines and there is no need to worry. Some cats do silent meow in order to substitute the “classic” meow.

However, it will be very serious if your cat is having the other problem, which is losing voice. Just like humans who lose voice, it is also a serious problem for your cats. Let’s see why your cat is suddenly quiet: 4 reasons of voice loss in cats.

  • Cat’s Voice Box

Before we get to the main reasons of losing voice in cats, let’s get to know what makes sound in cats. Cat’s voice box enables the cat to meow. The vibrations in the vocal cords enable the cat to make sound.

The fibrous cords at the top of the trachea are parts of the voice box. The vocal folds open and close and as a result your cat is making a sound.

The Actual Reasons Why Your Cat is Losing Voice

Weak and raspy voice are not only experienced by humans, but cats also experience this. Here are why your cat is suddenly quiet: 4 reasons of voice loss in cats.

  • Upper Respiratory Infection

Upper respiratory infection is one of the most common causes of humans losing voice. This also attacks cat’s respiratory system. This infection leads to thick yellowish and greenish mucus discharge.

The inflammation and infection of this part will cause swelling that can disturb the cord function. Persistent coughing in cats might lead to voice loss and laryngitis.

The symptoms of upper respiratory infection in cats are runny nose, watery eyes and lack of meowing. If this case happens, you can contact your vet and your cat will be treated with antibiotics or medications.

  • Trauma

The function of vocal folds can be interference by severe injury. For example, the case of swallowing something your cat shouldn’t shallow might create trauma. If this case happens, contact your vet immediately.

  • Growths

Growths can develop in the throat area, especially the vocal cords. It stimulates the occurrence of tumor or polyps. Besides, it can also lead to throat cancer.

If your cat is having different vocal sound, sneezing, having ear infections and persistent coughing, and then she might experience voice loss. Contact your vet immediately for further diagnosis.

  • Psychological Reasons

Psychological reasons, such as being upset can sent her become totally mute. Being upset can bring your cat becoming totally mute, doesn’t want to meow. Find out the reasons why your cat is upset. Check the signs your cat has trauma, trauma because of psychological reason can be the cause of voice loss in cats.

What You Should Do as an Owner

Don’t get panic! Cats are naturally not talkative creatures. So, if your cat seems to be quiet for some time, let it be. However, if there is another sign happens along with the sudden quiet condition of your cat, then please see your vet directly.

There are some tips you can do to try engaging your cat to meow. You can play an audio of meowing cat and you can see whether your cat responds. Or, you can also try to “talk” to your cat as if it was your friend. Let’s see if your cat responds to your “talk”.

Your cat is not only your pet, but consider it as your family member. When you feel something is not right with it, then try to find out the causes and solve it as soon as possible. Your cat is not able to talk about its problem to you, so you need to do lots of research in understanding what your cat really wants to “tell” you.

See other signs shown by cats in 5 signs that you have a happy and healthy cat and 13 signs of nervous cat you should know. Don’t you feel happy when your cat is happy?

Ivonne Puspakencana

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