
Common Symptoms of Salmonellosis in Cats Must be Known for Cat Owners

Salmonella is a type of bacterium that causes salmonellosis. Salmonellosis can happen to humans, dogs and also cats. Salmonellosis is simply defined as a type of food poisoning.

Cats, for instance, are possible to get infection from raw or cooked meat, dairy products and contaminated water. They can also get it from the infected animal or even in contact with the feces.

Salmonellosis is mainly caused by raw meats as raw meats contain bacteria. So, if you mainly feed your cats with raw diet, make sure to feed them with high-quality food items and don’t forget to practice food safety techniques too.

Salmonella bacteria can survive on various surfaces for a certain period of time, including on the cat toys, clothes and furniture. There are also some risk factors of getting salmonellosis, such as age. The younger and older cats are most at risk as they have underdeveloped or compromised immune systems.

Cats with weak immune systems or immature gastrointestinal tracts are also at risk. Cats are also possible to get exposed by viral disease, one of which is feline immunodeficiency virus.

Salmonellosis in cats is a serious problem, so it is very important for you as a cat parent to be aware of the symptoms. By knowing the symptoms, you will be able to know how to treat it properly. Here they are the symptoms of salmonellosis in cats you need to be aware of.

Symptoms of Salmonellosis in Cats

The common symptoms of salmonellosis in cats are as follow:

  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Shock
  • Lethargy – also read lethargy in cats
  • Dehydration
  • Skin disease
  • Presence of mucus in the stools
  • Extreme increase of heart rate
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Weight loss
  • Mucus in the stools – also learn about things to do when your cats stool has blood
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lack of appetite
  • Depression
  • Blood loss

The chronic salmonellosis in cats may exhibit some of these same symptoms, but they are getting more severe. Here are the symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of blood
  • Non-intestinal infections
  • Diarrhea without logical explanation, lasting for 3 to 4 weeks

Salmonellosis may lead to gastroenteritis, the inflammation of the intestines. It can also lead to septicemia, a systematic disease brought on by the bacteria in the blood stream. Moreover, there are some disorders a cat might have, such as heart and blood vessel disorders in cats.

However, not all cats experience the most obvious symptoms, such as vomiting or diarrhea. The symptoms for each cat are different depending on the cat’s immune system. If you notice one or some of the symptoms above, immediately call your vet.

If you suspect your cats to be infected by salmonella, don’t get panic. Salmonellosis is common for cats, dogs and humans. If you suspect your cat to have infected by salmonella, immediately schedule an appointment with your vet.

Your vet will carry out some tests, such as blood, urine and feces tests. The treatment will focus on helping your pet to solve the problems of dehydration, weight loss and shock.

Your cat will be treated by using an antimicrobial medication. If the infection causes severe dehydration, then your cat might need to stay at the clinic.

The treatment including the process of replacing electrolytes and fluids. In severe case of salmonellosis in cats, blood or plasma transfusions may be necessary to replace the fluids and serum albumin.

After being treated, your vet might ask you to do a 48-hour food restriction as part of the care. In some cases, the infected cat should be isolated from the other pets during the stage of the disease. Strict hygiene is essential to prevent the disease from getting worsen.

To treat this disease, it is important to provide your cat a nutritionally-balanced diet. Never give your cat raw or uncooked meat as this is the risk factor of salmonellosis.

Also consider these best nutrition facts that should be contained in cat food. Avoid animal pounds and shelters as overcrowded situation as it can also trigger the spread of the disease.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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