
Most Common Causes of Fur Loss in Hamsters

Keeping our pets healthy is our responsibility. However, we cannot avoid the possibility of our pets getting some illnesses. Similar to other animals, hamsters are also able to experience some diseases, such as elaborated in common diseases in hamsters.

Another disease a hamster may experience is fur or hair loss. The condition of hamsters losing fur is called as alopecia. Hamsters suffering from alopecia will have partial or complete hair loss.

There are some reasons of fur loss in hamsters and let’s take a look at them one by one. Before that, you can also spend time reading causes of alopecia in hamsters.

Alopecia or fur loss can be noticed easily as it is characterized by a varied or symmetrical hair loss. Patches with little or no hair can be seen, especially around the face and other parts of the body, such as the tail. Get to know the causes of fair loss in hamster so you can decide the best treatment later.

Causes of Fur Loss in Hamsters

  • Friction

This happens when your hamster rub its body against its cage or toys most of the time. It also happens when your hamster seems to be obsessed with burrowing. When there is excessive friction, it may lead to fur loss.

  • Nutritional Deficiencies

Another common cause of fur loss in hamster is nutritional deficiencies. If your hamster’s diet is low in certain types of vitamins, such as vitamin B, then it could lead to fur loss. Lack of protein also lead to certain issues with hamster’s fur.

If this is the cause of your hamster’s fur loss, then you should feed specific items recommended by the vet, such as unsweetened cereal, cheese, cooked eggs and some fresh fruits and vegetables.

Regarding to food, take a look at these following tips. Firstly, find out what things must be included hamster food and make sure you provide them. Then, you can try making these affordable yet nutritious food you can give to your pet hamster.

  • Parasites

Parasites, such as ticks, fleas, mites and ringworm are also able to cause fur loss in hamsters. Hamsters with ectoparasites will itch and scratch all over their body excessively.

As a result of too much scratching, some of the soft fur fall out. If you notice the presence of parasites, contact your vet for assistance. Continuous scratching and itching may lead to swollen or inflamed skin. Also, spend time reading about fleas on hamsters.

  • Shedding

It is normal to see hamsters shed their fur as they do it regularly. There are some times when they usually do this, such as spring and fall. It is considered normal to see thin fur during these periods.

Some types of hamsters, such as Syrian and Russian also tend to shed more fur than others, such as the Chinese and Roborovski. If you’re interested in Roborovski hamster, then it is a must for you to learn how to take care of Roborovski hamster.

  • Ageing

It is quite normal to see rodents or burrowing animals shedding hairs, especially during fall or spring season, just as stated before. Hamsters also tend to lose some fur as they are growing older.

  • Other Causes

Other than the causes mentioned above, there are some other medical reasons why your hamster may lose fur. T-cell lymphoma, a type of skin cancer, can also be the cause of fur loss in hamsters.

This type of skin cancer may cause your hamster completely bald. Another medical reason is kidney-related disorders. When a hamster is infected by kidney disorders, it can also suffer fur-falling experience. Then, hormonal imbalance can also lead a hamster to go bald.

Lastly, cage overcrowding, which can lead the hamsters to fight with each other can also be the cause of fur loss. Your hamsters might fight with each other and get some wounds.

Some hamsters even chew the other hamster’s fur. If this case happens, make sure that the cage is not overcrowded. Overcrowded cage is also uncomfortable for the hamsters to mobile around.

Fur loss should be treated well. You can try some treatment, such as topical shampoos and antibiotic therapy. Again, the fur loss treatment depends on the causes.

If it is about the dietary matter, such as nutritional deficiency, then you should give your hamsters some vitamins or mineral supplements. Also, make sure your hamsters get a well-balanced diet.

If you notice any symptoms of fur loss in your hamsters, such as the presence of bald spots in some parts of the body, make sure to contact your vet for assistance.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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