Animal A-Z

8 Blood Sucking Animals that will Give You a Horror

Drinking blood is usually done by Dracula and vampire and it seems so scary to see vampire or Dracula on TV drinking blood from humans. Fortunately, those creatures are only fictions, they are not real. However, there are some creatures that drink blood for survival. Yes, they are known as blood sucking animals.

Some animals eat plants as they are called herbivores, some others eat other animals as they are called carnivores and others eat both as they are called omnivores.

But, do you know that some animals need blood as their source of nutrients? Yes, they drink blood for survival. They are called sanguivores, animals which drink blood. You might know the most common blood sucking animal, mosquito.

Hematophagy is a scientific term for the practice of animals feeding on bloods. Animals are feeding on blood as blood is rich in nutrients, such as proteins and lipids and it is easy to be consumed. Let’s see the 8 blood sucking animals that will give you a horror as they might suck your blood, too!

  • Mosquito

This is the most common blood sucking animal you will always meet. Mosquitoes, especially the female ones, drink human blood to form eggs. Mosquito at your house might be the most annoying creature because it does not only drink your blood, but itchy bumps will be formed as the reaction of its saliva.

Some kinds of mosquito even transmit diseases, such as dengue fever or malaria. Despite its small size, it is considered as one of the dangerous insects in the world.

  • Bed Bug

Watch out! There might be a bed bug in your bed. The presence of bed bug in your bed might be a nightmare. This blood sucking animal will start its action at night once the owner of the bed is sleeping tight.

Bed bugs’ bite won’t hurt you, but you will get an itchy welt after once you wake up. Fortunately, bed bugs do not transmit any diseases, but it is quite hard to be banished.

  • Vampire Finch

Even its name reveals the truth, “vampire”, a creature that sucks blood. This vampire finch can be found in Galapagos Islands. You can see the other endangered animal species in Galapagos islands.

Vampire finch is mostly eating seeds and insects, but it is also craving for bloods. Vampire finch feeds on booby birds which are mindless about being their meals. Surprisingly, booby birds are often found sitting patiently as the vampire finches wait to drink their blood.

  • Leech

Many people know that leech is used for medication for some diseases, such as mental illness, tumors, gout and skin diseases. Leech is one of 8 blood sucking animals that will give you a horror.

Though it is sucking blood, it is very useful as leeches are very beneficial in restoring the blood flow for the damaged veins.

  • Vampire Bat

Vampire bat is another example of blood sucking animal to be aware of. This species of bat is feeding mainly on blood.

They usually suck the blood from birds and reptiles, but they also suck blood from humans. They suck blood to share it with the one needs it.

  • Flea

This tiny creature is mostly found in cats, dogs and other furry animals. It hides its way through the fur and get into the skin of the prey. Then, it sucks the blood. It does not only suck the blood, but it will leave a pierced skin.

If you have a pet at home that has fleas on its body, you can do these tips on how to get rid of fleas on rabbits and effective ways to keep off flea from biting your dog. Your pet is too precious to be bitten by fleas!

  • Candiru

Candiru is a type of catfish which feeds on blood. It is also known as toothpick fish or vampire fish. It is originated from Amazon Basin. It is mostly attracted to other catfish’s gills, but it more attracted to open wounds that are bloody. This catfish is a horrifying thing for travelers.

  • Oxpeckers

Is it similar to woody woodpecker? No, it is not. Oxpeckers often feed on ticks that are found on some animals’ bodies, such as ox, rhinos and giraffes.

They feed on the ticks that are juicy and fat because of the blood. Some people thought that oxpeckers and the host animals have mutual relationship.

The host animals get their bodies free of ticks and the oxpeckers get their food. Oxpeckers also sometimes open the wound of the host animals to remove the parasites away.

After reading the 8 bloodsucking animals to be aware of, isn’t it amazing to know that some animals only consume blood as their source of nutrients? Animals are amazing, no matter what they do.

Be aware of some blood sucking animals who attack humans, such as mosquitoes and fleas. They might carry disease while they enjoy your blood.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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