Wild Animal

5 Endangered Animal Species in Galapagos Islands We Need to Protect

Exploring an island always becomes an incredible and fascinating thing to do when you are travelling. Galapagos Islands are considered as the best tourist destination that are located around 600 miles from Ecuador that come in the form of volcanic islands. These islands are rich in unique species of plants and animals you can find nowhere else in the world.

Galapagos Islands are usually connected to Darwin’s theory of revolution. Charles Darwin had ever spent around five weeks there in 1835. There’s even a finch that had changing beaks depending on the local condition and sources of food there.

By this condition, that finch was named in his honor and Darwin made this as evidences of his theory of revolution.  Even nowadays, their wildlife has always been serving some sources of theory for scientists until nowadays. The species of animals and plants living there are like treasures for scientists.

Unfortunately, man activities, such as illegal fishing and visit of hundred thousand tourists each year have created a threat for Galapagos Islands. The ecosystem of the living things there, especially animals is in danger. Some species of animals are endangered as their population is decreasing critically. Let’s see the list of the 5 endangered animals in Galapagos Islands.

  • Galapagos Penguins

This species of penguins can only be found in Galapagos Islands. This species of penguin is also known as the smallest penguin in the world. There are two best ways to see Galapagos penguins: snorkeling and kayaking. Galapagos penguins can be found in Fernandina Island and Isabela.

Galapagos Island

There are some factors affecting the population of Galapagos penguins, such as pollution, extreme climate change and some new-introduced species, such as dogs that become disease-carrier for penguins and cats as their predators. Climate change, such as strong El Nino in the past also affected the mortality and birth rate of this species.

Penguins have always been cute, haven’t they? If you wish to know more about them, you can read some species of penguins in Antartica.

  • Giant Tortoise

Tortoise vs Turtle? Are they the same? No, they are not the same. The differences between the turtle and tortoise will surely give you ideas about it.

Giant tortoise is famous for being the oldest and largest tortoise in the world. A healthy giant tortoise can weigh up to a half ton and be up to 100 years old. Giant tortoise is also one of the tortoise species that still exists and live in the world. Interestingly, this giant tortoise spends most of its time for resting.

Giant Tortoise

Some introduced species, such as dogs and cats have been threats for giant tortoise. Predators commonly hunt and prey on their young, resulting the decrease population of it.

Do you know that tortoise is known as one of the slowest animals in the world and the longest living animals in the world? You can even crawl faster than tortoise but can you live longer than a tortoise?

  • Green Sea Turtles

This flying underwater creature has been an interesting object to enjoy. Who does not wish to swim underwater with a sea turtle? The green sea turtles feed on sea grass and algae that help them maintaining the seabeds and enabling them to be more productive. Their names come after the color of their skin, not their shells.

Green Sea Turtle

The worst threat for green sea turtles population is human who keeps hunting their eggs for sale and consumption. The green sea turtles is one of the five endangered sea turtles species.

  • Sea Lions

Sea lion is another inhabitants of Galapagos Islands. Tourists mostly can see sunbathing sea lions on the islands. Their playful and adorable characters make them become one of the favorite species for tourists. They love to pose for photos.

Sea Lions

However, sea lion is one of the 5 endangered animal species in Galapagos Islands due to climate change and presence of predators. Extreme climate change has brought a great impact on their food source and the presence of predators such as sharks and killer whales are bringing the population number decrease greatly.

  • Blue-footed Boobies

The last of 5 endangered animal species in Galapagos Islands is blue-footed boobies. This bird species has been one of the favorites for tourists who travel to the islands. They are easily noticed by their blue feet and large beaks. There is an interesting and astonishing fact about it, they can live up to 17 years!

Bluee-footes Booby

Sadly to say, this species of bird has also been threatened by illegal hunting of their eggs and habitat destruction or loss.

These 5 endangered animals species in Galapagos Islands can surely be prevented. Most of the causes are human’s actions. Illegal hunting and selling of some animals’ youngsters are the main problems of extinction.

How to prevent these problems? It is us, humans who should stop this! What can be left if all the animals are extinct? All living things should be respected and preserved to maintain the diversity of our world species. Be a respectful tourists and stop exploiting animals for fun.