
6 Effective Ways on Calming Cat Aggression – Important Notice for Owners

Aggression is something common happening to animals. Cats, despite their mostly nature as pets, also experience aggression. Aggression is commonly defined or interpreted as a way of intimidating or showing domination to other animals. Here are the examples of the methods to stop dog aggression towards people. You can learn some techniques of it there!

People sometimes take less serious to cats aggression than to dogs aggression as cats are smaller and don’t pursue people to bite them . However, cats aggression should be taken seriously as their bite might lead to severe laceration which is painful and easy to get infected.

Cats aggression occurs commonly because they want to guard their territories, sickness or medical pain, or there is a threat. Cats aggression can lead to fighting, you can check reasons why cats fight.

As a cat owner, knowing the reasons of cats aggression and how to handle it is very crucial and important. By knowing the root causes and solutions to it, you can prevent the worst impact caused by it.

You can simply reading cats aggression through their facial expression and body language. Let’s see the 6 effective ways on calming cat aggression which are very important for owners.

  • Observe Your Cat’s Aggressive Behavior

The key of successful way of handling your cats aggression is observation. By observing your cats’ aggressive behavior, you will be able to find a suitable way of handling it. You can observe these types of aggressive behaviors:

  1. play aggression – when your cat plays too far and leads to injuries.
  2. fear aggression – when your cat feels endangered or scared.
  3. territorial aggression – can be expressed towards humans or among cats.
  4. inter-male aggression – usually occurs between males.
  5. maternal aggression – happens after birth and a form of protective instinct.
  6. pain aggression – sensing some painful on some parts of the body.
  • Avoid Your Cat, Give Them Some Time

Some cats experience fear aggression, which is the condition when your cat is going through a threat and worse condition happens when it cannot escape.

This type of aggression can be seen through its body language, such as crouching, flattening ears, or tucking its tails. If this condition happens, try to avoid your cat and give it some space to calm itself down.

  • Attention and Rewards

Reward is something that makes all animals happy, including your cats. Give rewards to your cat once its aggressive behavior is absent. You need to praise your cat while it is calm and relaxed.

Calm and relaxed cats show these following conditions, such as not hissing or swatting, has normal-sized pupils, upright ears and normal tail posture. You can also see the signs of cats that want to-play before asking them to play with you.

Attention and rewards can also be useful as one of the ways on how to prevent your cat to escape from your home. Who doesn’t feel happy to be loved?

  • Interrupt Your Cat’s Aggression With Clapping Hands or Spray of Water

This is an effective way to stop your cat’s aggression, especially when your cat is fighting with another cat. To prevent worse injuries between these two cats, you can distract their attention by clapping your hands or spraying water towards them.

  • Examine Your Cat

This way is working if your cat experiences medical pain, such as it feels painful when you touch one of its body parts. Your cat might experience painful diseases, such arthritis, dental pain or abscesses from fighting.

If this case happens, you really need to consult with your vet and get examination for your cat before the condition is worsening. Beware of these common diseases of cat and treatment solutions.

  • Avoid Taking Care of Their Offspring After Birth

Cats who just experience maternal activity will be aggressive. It is common for mother cats to protect their offspring from any danger outside, including you as the owner.

The simple way to solve this problem is avoid mother cats and never touch their offspring especially in the first few days after birth. If you have a cat that has finished giving birth, you can see these after birth treatment for your cat.

Cats’ aggression is a common thing happens, however it does not mean that you can take it easily. As an owner, these types of aggression and the ways of handling them can be very crucial and important.

Why are they important? Because by knowing how to handle them, you will be able to save their lives as serious aggression might lead to death. You should try these 6 effective ways of calming cat’s aggression which are important for owners.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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