Beware of These Foods That Cause Diarrhea in Dogs You Should Avoid

Diarrhea is a problem that is often experienced by pets, including dogs. Many of their behaviors directly or non, lead to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body.

Diarrhea is a disease that causes your pet to have frequent bowel movements, with watery stools. Dog behaviors such as eating, chewing and licking make dogs susceptible to digestive disorders such as diarrhea. 

Dogs’ habit of putting various types of objects in their mouths can make them more prone to diarrhea, and it can also be caused by improper, poorly hygienic, or poor quality dog ​​food. So this is foods that cause diarrhea in dogs you should avoid.

  • Chocolate

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which belong to the category of methylxanthines. Have you ever heard of “the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is”? There is some truth in these words because white chocolate contains fewer methylxanthines, which means it is less toxic.

When eaten by a dog, chocolate can cause vomiting, dehydration, Diarrhea, severe agitation, muscle tremors, irregular heart rhythms, high body temperature, seizures, and death. So if your dog has eaten chocolate immediately read this tips on what should you do when your dog eats chocolate

  • Cow’s Milk

Cow’s milk contains milk sugar which dogs don’t have the enzymes to break it down. Consumption of cow’s milk can cause the dog to vomit, diarrhea, and other digestive problems. While not directly life-threatening to the dog, cow’s milk can contribute to exposure to serious bacteria in dogs that can eventually lead to illness.

  • Cheese

Just like cow’s milk, cheese contains sugar and fat which dogs don’t have the enzymes to break down. Cheese and other dairy products can cause problems if consumed in excess.

Symptoms such as gas, diarrhea, and vomiting can all occur if the dog eats too much cheese. and to stop your dog from vomitting you should immediately handle it with these 5 home remedies for your vomiting dog.

  • Onions

Onions contain compounds that can be harmful to dogs. Onions can damage red blood cells in dogs causing them to become weaker and lazy to move. If too many onions are consumed, a blood transfusion may be necessary for the dog.

  • Macadamia nuts

It is not known what specific chemicals are contained in macadamia nuts at this time, but they are known to cause toxic reactions in dogs. Macadamia nuts can cause dogs to experience weakness and paralysis, particularly in their hind legs. Apart from that, macadamia nuts can also cause your dog to vomit, depression, tremors, and hypothermia.

  • Garlic

Just like chocolate, garlic is one of the most toxic foods for dogs. The stronger the garlic flavor, the more toxic it is. Garlic belongs to the onion family and is even more toxic to dogs than other onions. Garlic contains a very strong compound that is very toxic to dogs.

Although the effect of garlic consumption on red blood cells will not appear for a few days in dogs, they will become tired quickly and reluctant to move. The dog’s urine will be orange to dark red. As with onions, blood transfusions may be necessary in severe cases.

  • Wine

While it is not known what chemicals and compounds in wine are toxic to dogs, it has been found in several cases that grapes have severe negative effects. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure. Symptoms vary, and there may not be any symptoms.

Apart from kidney failure, dogs can vomit or have diarrhea with a state of lethargy and weakness. Grapes and raisins can also cause dehydration and reduce appetite. Death from kidney failure in this dog can occur within three to four days.

  • Avocado

Avocado fruit, leaves, seeds, and skin contain a poison called persin. Avocados can have a toxic effect on dogs depending on the variety. They can cause stomach pain, difficulty breathing, and fluid buildup in the chest.

But the most dangerous thing for dogs is avocado seeds. The slippery texture of the avocado seeds makes them prone to being swallowed by dogs, obstructing the digestive tract.

  • Apple Core

The apple core (as well as plums, peaches, pears, and apricots) contains cyanogenic glycosides also known as cyanides. Some of the symptoms that come from ingesting apple venom by a dog are dizziness, difficulty breathing, seizures, fainting, hyperventilation, shock, even coma and those are the signs that you must take your dog to the vet right away.

  • Yeast Flour Dough

Is Your Dog Suddenly Seems Tired? Maybe its because of Raw yeast dough from baking that ferment in your dog’s stomach and become poisonous.

Apart from the toxic content of the alcohol produced in the stomach, yeast dough can also expand in your dog’s stomach and can create a lot of gas in the digestive system.

This can cause severe pain and potentially damage your dog’s intestinal tract. Also, dogs may vomit, have stomach discomfort, even become weak and always tired.

  • Caffeine

The caffeine in coffee contains a stimulant known as methylated xanthine. These stimulants can stimulate the nervous system in dogs, causing vomiting, anxiety, heart palpitations, and even death.

  • Bacon

Foods high in fat, such as bacon, can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Their pancreas becomes inflamed and doesn’t function as it should. This causes all kinds of problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients.