Make Sure your Cat has These 3 Essential Vaccines for Cat

Taking care of a pet, especially cat, needs much attention. Regarding to its health, you must get your cat vaccinated in order to prevent it from particular dangerous diseases, such as rabies, feline parvovirus, or feline herpesvirus.

You need to keep in mind that those diseases are really fatal and dangerous to your furry creatures. If you want to check other diseases that your cat might suffer from, you can see common diseases of cat and the treatment.

There are two types of vaccines: non core and core vaccines. They are classified based on the circumstances the cat lives on that urge the cat to get the vaccines.

Non core vaccines are appropriate for some cats in some circumstances, while core vaccines are the vaccines that are addressed to any type of cats under any circumstances. Let’s see the 3 essential vaccines your cat should get that owners must be aware of!

  • Rabies Vaccine

Rabies vaccine is considered as a type of core vaccine for cats. Rabies is known as one of the deadliest diseases that possibly attack any animals, including your cat. Besides, rabies can also be transmitted to humans, so it is very important to get your cat vaccinated by rabies vaccine.

Cats are not carrier of rabies, but might get the disease from being bitten by other animals which carry the virus. The progress of clinical sign aggression, disorientation and even death might take around 2 months.

Rabies is a zoonotic disease (can be transmitted from animals to humans) and due to this fact, it is very important to keep your cat up to date to this type of vaccine. You can check the symptoms to tell that your cat has rabies and once you find any, immediately bring your cat to the vet.

  • FVRCP Vaccine

The next essential vaccines for your cat is FVRCP, it is known as a three-in-one vaccine which is core vaccine as well. FVRCP vaccines allow the vet to address the 3 vaccines effectively instead of having the cat got injected for three times. This vaccine consists of three vaccines: FPV, FHV-1 and FCV vaccines.

FPV is also also known as feline parvovirus has a high mortality rate in kittens. It is also highly infectious disease. This disease usually starts with low appetite and reduced energy, then it leads to diarrhea and vomiting.

This virus is aiming to kill the white blood cells which are in charge in the immune system and as a result your cats are exposed to secondary infections. Make sure your cat gets vaccinated by this FPV vaccine regularly.

FHV-1 or feline herpesvirus, or has feline rhinotracheitis virus as its name, is another serious disease attacking the upper respiratory system. Sneezing, nasal congestion and conjunctivitis are the symptoms of this disease. The severe one might lead to pneumonia.

The cat might shows a recovery phase on the first infection, but don’t feel relieved first as the virus might enter a latency period in the nerves which is worse than the first infection. This is the process of reactivating of the virus. This vaccine is also essential and a must for your cat.

You can check if your cat cannot stop sneezing and find the reasons on what makes sneezing cannot be stopped on cats.

Lastly, FCV, feline calicivirus, is also a virus that attacks the upper respiratory system. The symptoms are nasal discharge and sneezing and also oral ulcerations. This disease is also connected to gingivitis or stomatitis which is characterized by the inflammation of gums and teeth.

These three-in-one vaccine is a must to be given since the kittens reach 6 months old as they are prone to get infected by these diseases. So, it is recommended for them to get this three-in-one vaccine. Both indoor and outdoor cats are required to have this three-in-one vaccine.

  • FeLV Vaccine

The FeLV vaccine is beneficial for protecting your cat against feline leukemia virus. This vaccine is classified as non core vaccine. This virus is found around the world. It can be transmitted through body fluids (saliva, urine and feces).

This virus can be transferred from an infected cat to a cat that comes in contact with it, such as sharing bowls or grooming together. This virus does not automatically send your cat to death as lots of cats can recover and back to healthy life, but some do not.

For kittens, this vaccine is a must or considered as core vaccine. The re-vaccination can be cone one year later for all cats. Vaccine is a must for your cat to maintain its health and to prevent your cat from getting certain deadly and dangerous disease.

It might save your life as well, as some diseases are contagious to humans. Check cat diseases that can be contagious to their owners. So, make sure you keep your cat’s vaccination updated.

You can also see maintain their health by following these workout ideas for your fat cat.