
9 Ways You can Try to Stop Your Cats from Escaping Outdoors

Keeping our cats inside is the best way to keep them safe. However, cats are natural hunters and love to wander around. Though house cats are provided with good meals, they still have their hunting urge and may try to get out to look for prey.

Besides, house cats may also have genetic urge to protect their territory and get out and mate if they can. There are some more reasons why your cat try to escape from your home.

For cat parents, it can be very frustrating to notice that your cat is missing and running outdoors. There are some potential dangers waiting outside, so you must feel the urge of the ways of keeping them indoors. However, don’t worry. There are several ways you can try to stop them from escaping outdoors. Here they are:

  • Spay or Neuter Your Cat

Spaying or neutering your cat may not get rid of your cat’s desire to sneak out, but it will reduce their escape attempts. It is said that up to 90 percent of cats will see a reduction in their desire to roam about and escape after they are spayed or neutered. Make sure to read these reasons why your should spay your cat and understand the benefits.

  • Keep your Cat Busy

When a cat is busy and entertained, it will forget to seek adventures elsewhere. You can offer some variety of activities which stimulate their brain and toys to make them busy.

Some puzzles and interactive toys can be bought in the nearest pet store. If you don’t have any idea about cat toys, you can try this easy DIY cat toys to make one for your baby.

  • Alternate Exit and Entrance

Your cat will be likely to hang out by the front door waiting their chance to escape when a person opens it. However, you can try exiting out at a different door instead. Try using different door, such as the back or garage door to go in and out from the house.

While you’re having guests over, you can put the cat in another room until the visit is over. This is to prevent your cat from escaping when people come through the main door.

  • Teach them to Sit

You can teach your cat to station or sit in a specific place. Make sure to ask them to sit or station somewhere away from the door. You can also use clicker or train them.

  • Distract Them from the Door

When you want to leave the house for a long period, give your cat some treat. Your cat will be busy nibbling its treat instead of darting out the door. Then, it will be safe! You can also give some toys, such as puzzle feeder or rubber ball to distract him.

  • Let your cat Explore Outdoor (with you for sure!)

You can try walking your cat regularly. Remember, your cat runs outside because he wants to explore and go out. He is craving for fresh air, sunshine, and new smells. You can reduce the chance of jailbreak attempts by letting your cat explore outdoors.

  • Safe Outdoor Opportunity

Build an outdoor cat enclosure or leash train your cat. Take your cat on regular walks if you have safe outdoor area. Make sure there is no dog or other wildlife. Your cat will be able to enjoy the outdoors in a safe manner.

  • Pet Proofing Barrier or Spray

There are some products that can be used to prevent your cats from escaping outdoors, such as the pet proofing barrier or spray. With a spray deterrent, your cat will feel a short burst of spray whenever he walks near the device, while for barrier, the collar that your cat wears will produce a warning beep whenever he gets near the door. You can teach your cat to stay away inside by doing this consistently.

  • Provide Unpleasant Escape Route

You can place some aluminum foil along the escape route (the doorway area). Many cats find it unpleasant to walk on the aluminum foil and will steer clear.

There are also some tips for outdoor cats or indoor escaped cats to keep them safe. First, make sure your cat always wears a collar and tag. Then, keep your cat vaccinated regularly, especially for rabies and Feline Leukemia.

You can also try these following ways on how to prevent your cat to escape from your home and some tips on popular tips to keep your cat happy playing indoors.

Ivonne Puspakencana

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