The Top 4 Diseases of Betta Fish Commonly Have

Betta fish are recently gaining their fame with their beauty. They are considered as one of the most beautiful freshwater species of fish and the most wonderful pets for beginners. If you are interested to keep betta fish at home, you should be ready to prepare a large tank and maintain high quality of water. […]

Get to Know Treatment of Yeast Infection in Dog’s Ear

Have you ever seen your dog rubbing his ear or tilt his head? If yes, your dog might have an ear infection. There are some causes of dogs ear infection. One of the causes of ear infection is mostly an overgrowth of yeast in his ears. Do you know that tilting head is also one […]

Best Exercise for Dogs with Diabetes – Fun, Easy and Safe!

Have you ever seen your dog drinking excessive amount of water? Do you know that excessive consumption of water is one of the signs of diabetes in dogs? Yes, it is. Other symptoms of diabetes in dogs might include weight loss and lethargy. Also find the other reasons your dog is suddenly lethargic and weak. […]

Dementia in Cats: Everything Owner Must Know!

Health issues in cats are always interesting to be found out. Technology is helping us to find the best solution to some cats’ health issues, such as upper respiratory infection in cats. Another health issue a cat might have is dementia, or known as the decline cognitive ability. Dementia in cats occurs as a result […]

Frequently Asked Questions about Dementia in Dogs

If you see your dog displays some changes in his behavior, then he may be affected by some conditions. You can check the 10 dog behavior problems you should know. One of them is dementia. Dementia is a condition when the dog experiences disorder in his cognitive and it is associated with similar characteristics of […]

Heat Stroke in Cats: Causes – Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Just like dogs, cats are also able to suffer from heat stroke. Heat stroke is a condition that your cats might experience because of the increase of their body temperature and inability to regulate it. Heat stroke in cats cannot be underestimated as it might be fatal to your cats. Cats regulate their body temperature […]

Heat Stroke in Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Dogs, unlike humans, cannot get sweating when they get hot. Instead, they eliminate heat from their bodies by panting. When panting is not enough to eliminate heat from their bodies, their body temperature will be rising and as a result, they might experience heat stroke. Heat stroke can be fatal to dogs and shouldn’t be […]

8 Dangerous Animals in Japan You Should be Aware of

Japan is a fun place to visit as it has many interesting things to explore. Japan’s wildlife is also worth visiting and exploring. Japan also owns many endemic species that can be found nowhere else in other parts of the world. Some of the species are also endangered and rare. Talking about animals in Japan, […]

Stay Away from these Dangerous Animals in Thailand

Wherever you go, you will always find dangerous creatures, including plants and animals. Dangerous animals are everywhere. So, as humans, we need to be knowledgeable about those animals, especially when we are visiting a country, like Thailand. Thailand is a home of various wildlife, including the dangerous animals. Also see some other dangerous animals in […]

Get Familiar with these 7 Outstanding Animals Native to Thailand

Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia that is known to have strong cultural background. If you have ever visited Thailand, this country has elephants as the icons or symbols of some aspects. Elephant is also the country symbol of Thailand. Elephant is also one of the smartest animals in the world. Beside elephant, Thailand […]