7 Important Thing Causes of Quail Not Laying Eggs

Have you ever wondered why quail do not lay their eggs? You may hear that many people already struggle with this matter.

Based on the bird’s expert, there are so many reasons causes of quail not laying their eggs. Quail emotionally attach to everything around them. That makes them sometimes influenced by their surround.

Not surprisingly, most quails sometimes get stressed because of their surround. They might get some diseases, which are similar to some diseases that often attack canaries. It could affect their behavior to not lay their eggs.

Are you wondering what causes quail not laying eggs? Here we have some of the reasons why in the short explanation below, which is almost similar to some ways to overcome stressed Arowana fish.

1. Age

The quail age needs to be one of the important things that causes quail not laying eggs. Normally, quail will start laying their eggs around the age of 6 to 7 weeks. If less than that, it makes them not ready to lay eggs.

Only hens quail that laying eggs, and the rooster’s quail are not. After reaching the age of 8 weeks, they will lay eggs maximum of around 10 eggs a day.

As the quail gets older, they usually lay much more eggs significantly. After reaching the age of 10 weeks, they will lay eggs in constant numbers. After they reach the age of one and a half years, their productivity decreases drastically.

2. Comfortable place

Quail needs a more comfortable place that they trust the most. They won’t lay their eggs if they know some intruders would come to take their eggs.

A comfortable and safe place should be provided for quail if you want they lay their eggs in your cage. A small disturbance could lead them to stress and make them feel uncomfortable.

The condition above also leads Quail to feel unsafe. That is why they won’t lay their eggs. It makes sense that providing a comfortable and safe place can be a better idea to solve the quail problem with their eggs.

3. Stress

Stress can be one of the causes of quail not laying eggs. Some disturbances around their surround can make them uncomfortable. It would lead them to get stressed, which is similar to some causes of quail feather loss.

Stress on quail can block the luteinizing hormone. That is why they won’t lay their eggs. They couldn’t help but get difficulty releasing their eggs.

Finding the stressor, and removing it soon can be a good way to help quail reduce their stress. Sometimes we just have no idea about the cause of them getting stressed. Changing the environment of the quail’s cage can be helpful for them as well.

4. Light

Quail need some proper lights so that they will easily lay their eggs. If they’ve got a little light, they won’t lay their eggs.

It is important to provide proper light around Quail’s cage. The lights will increase the work of follicle stimulation hormone and luteinizing hormone.

Those hormones above help the hen of quail to be more productive. The quail’s expert said that giving proper light to quail in 16 hours will work best for them. They will lay their egg without any difficulty.

5. Calcium

Calcium gives a big point for quail to produce eggs regularly. Calcium also leads quail to lay their eggs without any difficulty. Having a lack of calcium on them will bring some diseases, which are similar to common diseases in stone magpies.

Calcium supports quail to increase the luteinizing hormone, which is good for egg production on them. Even so, other nutrition also needs to be fed for them to optimize the calcium work.

Most veterinarians also suggested giving some calcium if the quail not laying eggs. It is better to support the calcium for quail regularly for them.

6. Crowdedness

Crowdedness in the quail cage is the important rule causing quail not to lay eggs. The crowd in the cage would make them feel uncomfortable and unsafe at the same time.

Quail need more time to interact one on one with their couple. That is why if the cage is too crowded it leads them to stress.

Most quail experts recommend putting only two quail in a square meter per cage. Some of them also recommend putting two couples of quails, but the cage needs to be larger as well.

7. Nutrition

Providing proper nutrition for quail by feeding them a balanced diet can be helpful. Lack of nutrition can be one of the causes of quail not laying eggs. That is why it is essential to put more concerned about their diet including food that is poisonous to your pet.

Giving the quail a higher calcium can be a good idea. Even so, you need to give them other nutrition as well. It will help them to get balance nutrition that is helpful to deliver their eggs.

Proper nutrition for quail can be get quickly by giving them some recommended food from a veterinarian. Consulting your quail food problem also can be asked the quail expert.

All of those things above are categorized as some of the causes of quail not laying eggs. Other than those things above, keeping the cage in a clean condition can be helpful. It would lead to a comfortable feeling for them and reduce stress significantly.