Get Ready to Meet these 7 Largest Freshwater Fish in the World

The ocean is home for many amazing sea creatures, specifically fish. Get to know these largest creatures in the ocean too! However, it is not the only place where we can find fish. Some hidden beneath the murky waters of the freshwater rivers and lakes are also homes for some huge fish. Most freshwater fish […]

6 Incredible Extinct Animals in Asia

Do you know that several species of animals are extinct? Sadly saying, animal extinction is caused by human interference. Just mention poaching for animal tusks and habitat destruction are the main factors of animal extinction. Spend time reading about vulnerable animals in the world. Here they are, the 6 incredible creatures that have been driven […]

The Most 5 Vulnerable Animals in the World We Need to Protect

Our Earth is a home for more than 30 million species of animals. Unfortunately, a number of those species are at risk of being extinct due to man’s intervention both for personal consumption or entertainment. These vulnerable species can even be found throughout the world. Have we passed the animals extinction in the 20th century? […]

7 Common Mistakes in Poultry Farming Beginners Should Know!

Is raising chickens in a poultry an easy job? Even the experienced poultry farmers would agree that poultry farming can be challenging, especially for the first time. Chickens are highly susceptible to different kinds of problems, both the health and environmental problems. Make sure you also read these challenges when starting a poultry farming business. […]

5 Common Signs of Stress in Parrots You Must Know

All animals are possible to get sick, including birds. However, it is often too difficult to decide whether the birds are sick as they commonly hide the signs of illness. It is even harder for birds parents to tell whether their birds are sick. Birds, just like other animals, are able to feel emotions and […]

Let’s Sing Together with these 7 Best Singing Birds in the World

Birds are great singers and considered as the most beautiful sounds in nature. Most species of birds only have the male bird singers. Each bird has its own specific tone and style of singing and most of them are beautiful to enjoy. Lovebird is one of the birds that can be trained to sing. Get […]

Be Cautious of these 20 Symptoms of Liver Disease in Birds

If you decide to have a bird pet at home, then you should be ready with many joys as well as challenges that you will face. You surely would like to see your birds healthy all the time and don’t want to see them get sick. This article will tell you about a certain disease […]

7 Fun Steps to Teach Your Lovebirds to Talk

A lovebird is a small group of parrots. This bird is 13 to 17 cm in length, up to 24 cm in wingspan with 9 cm for a single wing and weighs around 40 to 60 grams. Lovebirds are among the smallest parrots which has a stocky build, short blunt tail and large and sharp […]

7 Most Famous Types of Parrots with Their Fun Facts!

There are more than 350 species of birds included in the order Psittaciformes, including macaws, lorikeets, cockatoos and many other types of parrots. Some types of parrots are even listed as the most expensive birds in the world. Each of them has its own unique qualities. There are various types of parrots in different height […]

How to Stop your Cat from Scratching your Furniture?

Have you ever got annoyed seeing your brand-new furniture is scratched by your cat? If you have, then continue reading this. Cats naturally love scratching and as a parent, you need to understand the reasons why they do that. First, cats scratch to stretch. They need to exercise and stretch for their muscles and tendons […]