7 Common Mistakes in Poultry Farming Beginners Should Know!

Is raising chickens in a poultry an easy job? Even the experienced poultry farmers would agree that poultry farming can be challenging, especially for the first time. Chickens are highly susceptible to different kinds of problems, both the health and environmental problems. Make sure you also read these challenges when starting a poultry farming business. […]

These 3 Things You Feed to Ducks are Big NO NO

Anytime I heard the words duck, my mind would always portrait the Disney huge iconic figure Donal Duck. Maybe it’s just me, but maybe is not. Yes, duck was classified as poultry species which mostly breed as a stock animal. Ducks are raise for meats and egg production – both of it was amazing. But, […]

8 Challenges When Starting a Poultry Farming

Hello there, fellow poultry farmer! How business going? We hope the business will become profitable always, every day, and more. We all know that indeed poultry farming is profitable; both layer and meat of chicken farm are indeed profitable. As all of you already know, that people love chicken meat and eggs, you can see […]

How to Prevent Your Farm from being Infected with Avian-Influenza

Hello there, fellow poultry-farmer! How’s business? We hope your business will be always in the best shape and profitable always, every day, and more. Fellow farmer, speaking about profitable we must overlook how we manage our farm, and today we are going to overlook one aspect that act as a great factor of your profit […]

5 Reasons of Why Did Chicken Cross the Road?

Chicken is animal that useful for people. Indeed they became human pet and livestock for decades. They quite productive both egg, meat, feather, and other part of their body can be utilize by people. Chickens is tame, likeable, but they also have a unique behavior. If you want to create a poultry farm at least […]

10 Common Chicken Diseases You need to know

Chicken is kind of animal which commonly processed as food. The kind of foods which made by chicken is like nugget, fried chicken, sausage, meatball, snack, etc. Their body part like fur is also used as many stuff like shuttlecock, duster, bag ornament, paint ornament, and clothes. As the fur, the skin of their egg […]

How to Prevent Chickens from Fighting

Causes of Chicken’s Fighting  A chicken farmer may be worried if their chickens begin to fight each other. It is a common thing for chickens to fight. Especially if you bring new chicken (rooster) into the flock. The reasons of why they are fighting each other mostly are because of this matter : New chicken […]

Here are top 5 Figthing Rooster Breeds

Each animals have different races, including chicken. A rooster is a male chicken, with strong physical body compared to other chickens. If we want to breed a chickens there are some short of tips to start breeding a chicken and to choose which chicken to breed.  Since the outcome will be determined by the original […]

How to Treat Chicken’s Infection

Having a poultry farm and raising chickens is a bit complex things. But chickens itself is one of a productive animal we can raise. They have become a commodity and the demand for chickens rarely fell down. Almost all part of chickens can be consumed by people and they also provide eggs that give us […]

7 Steps to Eliminate Bad Odor in Your Poultry

When we have animals around us, bad odors will follow us. They care about hygiene, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that their standards don’t go with us, human. We’re different species, anyway. There are animals that you can teach to poo in the right place, like dogs, but not all animals do that. Poultry animals […]