4 Common Signs That Your Pet Dog Has Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies not only attack human, our pet also become the victim of this annoying disease. Just like another kind of allergies, seasonal allergies also develop when the body’s immune system overreacts to the foreign object that intrude into the body. Generally it happened on certain season which is the time for certain plants pollinate such summer, spring, or fall.

Allergy is not something that you have to live with. If you had cough, you got the congestion nasal, plus sneezing on a certain season of the year, a high possibility you might get the seasonal allergy. There is a lot of plants that could trigger the allergy, one of the example is ragweed. A wild plant that grows almost in everywhere.

This plant commonly will blooms around August to November – as it bloom this plant would release it pollen that easily caused the allergy to your dog, especially if your dog is sensitive. In the mid-September it’s pollen reach the highest levels from all their period blooming times. There is a list of plants that also become the culprit of seasonal allergy such: cocklebur, lamb’s-quaters, burning bush, pigweed, Russian thistle, tumbleweed, mugwort, and sagebrush.

Besides plants, there is also some culprit that contribute to trigger the seasonal allergies such pollen, mold and grass, example: chlorine in the swimming pools, pines trees, smokes in fireplace, insect sting and bite. A lot of things could be the trigger of your dog seasonal allergy. So, if you want to know do your dog get the seasonal disease, we would gladly help you notice it with 4 common signs that you pet dog has seasonal allergies.

1. Dermatitis Condition

Dermatitis is indicated to the skin inflammation conditions. The situation including irritation that causing itching and tingling to your dog. Dermatitis also known as the most common skin disease in dog. The first step symptom form as the itching  and scratching, and then a hot spot will appear that cause a painful swollen, and if you are taken care of it quickly, it could turn to foul and ooze pus.

In this step, it could be very frustrating for you and your dog. And the bad news is, dermatitis is a genetic disease. This is the list of dogs breed that has the predisposed: English bulldog, Labrador, French bulldog, Jack Russel, Golden Retriever, and Yorkshire. So, if your pal in one of these breeds, it could be really  wise of you if you taken care of the itching from the start, because that could be the first step of the dermatitis seasonal allergy.

What causes the dermatitis on a dog? Your dog could get dermatitis by contact with an irritant. Like, if your dog develop an itchy in their collar sits, it is only because of something in the collar sits – it is also the make contact with another with certain things such the floor, deicer, or another things your dog allergic to.

Dermatitis typically effects dogs between ages of 6 months to 3 years old. But there is a good news too. This condition – dermatitis – is not contagious. This condition only be inherited by genetic but not contagious from another dog. So, you don’t have to worry if seeing your pal getting close to another pet that might have it.

 2. Ears Condition

Dog that has allergy often have the problem with their ears. There would be condition where their ears would itchy and inflamed as their bodies reaction of the allergy. And it is not impossible that their ears has been infected with the yeast and bacteria. The signs that your dog get this situation is such head shaking, hair loss around the ears and scratching at the ears.

Chronic ears infection is one of the common seasonal allergic that can attack your dog. If this condition not being taken care quickly, your dog might experience hearing loss and loss of coordination and balance. The ears problem can be broken into three types: externa (the outer ear canal infection), media (the middle ear infection), and interna (the inner ear infection).

 3. Nose and Sinus Condition

Sinus condition refers to the inflammation of you dog’s nose. This condition often attack the older dog because of their abnormal tissue or dental issue. The nose and sinus condition caused by parasite, fungal, tooth root, bacteria, and foreign object within the nose. A dog with the histories of asthma or a week immune system likely has a higher possibility to catch this inflammation.

The dog and human sinus likely has the same symptoms. So, it is not less difficult for us to recognize the symptoms that include: coughing, fever, eyes and nose discharge, loss energy, loss the appetite, nosebleed, and of course – the sneezing. Sometimes your dog would be experience headaches and sore throats although it is not the common symptoms.

This typical allergy also known caused by the plants such ragweed, pollen, grass, mold, and tree – that develop sensitivity to a dog that inhaled these foreign objects through the nose and mouth.

4. Redness Condition

The last sign of 4 common signs that your pet dog has seasonal allergies is redness condition. Another signs that you could recognize and suspect on your dog if they have the seasonal allergy is the redness. Commonly allergic dog often shown symptoms such puffy red eyes, a red chin, red paws, red oral tissue, and a lot of times also a red anus.

A red skin rash can be really painful, and bring a very uncomfortable and itchy for your dog. Skin condition like this is a common health problem on allergic dog. The redness is caused by parasites such fleas, ticks, or mites. Also, it could cause by anal gland trouble or the unknown irritation. Therefor, if you see all of the symptom on your dogs, you have to take a move before it lead your beloved pal to another serious stage.