Let’s Protect these Top 6 Most Endangered Animals in China

More and more animals nowadays are getting endangered due to several factors: exploitation, habitat destruction, and others. China is one of the countries which experiences many of its animals are getting endangered. It is really sad to see those animals get their endangered status. Also meet these native animals China. What are the endangered animals […]

The Best Ways to Prevent Fungal Infections in Dogs

Fungal infections in dogs are less common than bacterial or viral infection. However, fungal infection is as serious as bacterial infections in dogs. Fungal infections in dogs occur because of the contact with other animals, from the environment, or a result of the overgrowth of fungi or yeast that are naturally present in and on […]

Types of Fungal Diseases Found in Horses You Have to Know

Do you know that there are over 70,000 species of fungi? Among that number of fungi species, there are only 50 species that can cause diseases in animals and humans. There are 4 classes of them: superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and deep mycosis. Superficial fungi affect the skin, cutaneous fungi attack the skin and the hair, […]

Strong Reasons Why You shouldn’t Give Human Food to your Pets

You and your pets have different digestive system. That’s why it is not suggested to give human food to your pets. Human food is typically too rich and fatty for your pet to properly digest. Eating human food may lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and some severe conditions, like pancreatitis. There are some human food that […]

Brilliant Tips on How to Take Care of Horse’s Coat

To ensure a healthy horse coat and improve your horse’s health, you need to be aware and pay attention to everything related to your horse’s health. One of the indicators of horses’ health is their coat. Brittle and dry coats, lack of shedding, and dull colors are signs that your horse is not feeling their […]

Common Causes of Patchy Hair Loss in Horses

Horses lose hair just like other animals and there are several causes. It can be caused by insects, bacteria, skin infection, heat, medical conditions, or even allergies. Horses can also be itch and rub irritated areas creating some bald spots. Patchy hair loss can be permanent or temporary and it can also affect bot the […]

11 Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Rabbits

Hair loss in rabbits is one of the problem every rabbit parent may experience. Hair loss in rabbits is called alopecia. The hair loss may appear as small and bald spots on their body, or even larger areas of your rabbit’s coat that are missing hair. Your rabbit may also feel itchy and keep scratching, […]

Common Symptoms of Anorexia in Cats

Anorexia refers to a condition when a cat loses his appetite or does not want to eat or is unable to eat. Appetite is dependent on memory and association, as compared with hunger, which is aroused physiologically by the need for food. There are two types of anorexia: pseudo-anorexia and true anorexia. Pseudo anorexia describes […]

Best Ways to Treat Constipation in Kittens

Constipation in cats is considered as one of the most common problems. It is usually mild, and you can simply treat it by using several home treatments. Constipation in kittens can indicate more serious health issues, and if it is left untreated, it would become very severe and uncomfortable. There is a certain condition that […]

Common Symptoms of Anorexia in Dogs You should be Aware of!

Anorexia is defined as a condition where the animal has a decrease or loss of appetite for food. When the hunger is physically driven, then the appetite will also be mentally driven. Anorexia could be a serious problem as it may indicate potentially life-threatening underlying conditions. One of the effects of anorexia is weight loss. […]