Best Ways to Treat Constipation in Kittens

Constipation in cats is considered as one of the most common problems. It is usually mild, and you can simply treat it by using several home treatments.

Constipation in kittens can indicate more serious health issues, and if it is left untreated, it would become very severe and uncomfortable. There is a certain condition that is considered serious and needs vet’s attention.

There are some symptoms of constipation in kittens, such as dry, hard stools (inside and outside the litter box), crying or straining in the litter box, nausea, vomiting, drinking more or less water, peeing more, weight loss, muscle loss, hiding, walking stiffly, and others.

Here’s what you need to know about the ways to treat constipation in kittens. As a kitten parent, you need to be aware of these ways so in case your kitten experiences this, you are ready with it.

  • Increase Water Consumption

Dehydration is one of the causes of constipation in kittens, so drinking more water will help prevent constipation or treat constipation in kittens. By increasing water consumption, you can ensure that your kitten is well-hydrated.

As you know, kittens are not very good at drinking, so the best way to keep them well-hydrated is by feeding them wet food. By doing this, you can increase their water intake and it may reduce the risk of constipation in kittens.

You can also encourage them to drink more water by adding setting up more water bowls in different areas of your home.

You can also try using pet water fountains, leaving a faucet dripping or flavoring the water with things kittens like, such as clam juice, tuna juice, or beef broth.

  • Try a New Diet

Food allergies in kittens can also lead to constipation. It causes intestinal inflammation and constipation in kittens. You can treat this by changing the protein source of your kitten’s food, such as chicken or lamb.

These protein sources are helpful to reduce inflammation and allow the intestines to move more normally.

You can also try yummy recipe of homemade cat food and how to make a homemade cat food.

For kittens that are allergic to multiple ingredients, there are also special limited ingredient diets and hypoallergenic diets available. For a diet change, it may take about 8 to 12 weeks for it to work, so this is a long-term management.

In the transition period, you can mix the old food with the new so that it won’t be too sudden for the kitten.

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight

One of the causes of intestinal inflammation is obesity. It slows down the things in the intestines. The stool absorbs too much water, then it will lead to constipation.

Even in the severe cases, there is also too much fat in the belly that it physically impedes the movement of the stool. If this case happens, then you have to contact your vet. If your kitten needs to lose weight, then your vet will create a diet plan.

  • Deworm your Kitten

You have to get your kitten dewormed regularly to kill any intestinal parasites. Those intestinal parasites may cause an intestinal blockage and constipation. Get to know the symptoms of worms in cats as well so you know how to treat it.

  • Manage Stress and Anxiety

Kittens are prone to get stressed, especially when their routines are disrupted. There may be some obvious causes, such as change in your schedule, annoying noise nearby, or even a new dog barking in the neighborhood.

It will surely take time for a kitten to adjust to those changes. However, there are some ways you can do to reduce it, such as spending more time with you and providing some toys.

  • Add more Litter Box

The position of their litter box matters. If the kittens don’t like the location of a litter box or even the type of the box or litter, they may not use it, and as a result it leads to constipation.

You are suggested to provide at least one more litter box than you have kittens and there should be at least one litter box on every floor of your home.

Try to explore and get experiment with different types of boxes and litters to find what your kitten likes. Avoid putting the litter box in these 4 spots for your cats litter boxes.

  • Brush them Regularly

Brushing the kitten regularly may remove any loose fur. Surprisingly, this way will help decrease the likelihood of your kitten developing a hairball that also lead to constipation issues.