11 Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Rabbits

Hair loss in rabbits is one of the problem every rabbit parent may experience. Hair loss in rabbits is called alopecia. The hair loss may appear as small and bald spots on their body, or even larger areas of your rabbit’s coat that are missing hair. Your rabbit may also feel itchy and keep scratching, […]

Let’s Get to Know these Causes of Blood in Rabbit’s Urine

Both humans and animals pee, including rabbits. Just like humans, the color of rabbit’s urine determine their health. The rabbit’s urine may vary in color depending on the diet and hydration levels. Some urines may turn red and it may indicate that there is blood in it. When there is blood in a rabbit’s urine, […]

5 Common Causes of Rapid Weight Loss in Rabbits

Weight loss happening to any animals can be an indication of something bad, including rabbits. Rabbits are supposed to remain roughly the same weight throughout their adult years. If they suddenly lose weight, especially a very sudden and rapid weight loss, then you should start to get worried. There must be a problem with their […]

Ways on How to Treat Ringworm in Rabbits

Ringworm is not a type of worm, instead, it is one type of skin diseases. The disease is named ringworm due to the appearance of infected skin. This disease is caused by fungus. There are various types of fungus causing this to happen. One of which is Trichophyton metagrophytes. Another type of fungus causing ringworm […]

7 Signs Your Rabbit is Depressed You Need to Aware of

Rabbits are known as energetic and social animals. Rabbits are also cute and here are the scientific facts about why rabbit are created as the cutest animal. They are always full of energy and enthusiasm. They will hop up to you, play and toss around their favorite stuffs. However, sometimes, you might also notice that […]

Get Familiar with Heat Stroke in Rabbits

Along the hot weather, some animals might experience heat stroke. Pets, such as dogs, cats, and rabbits are also possible to get heat stroke. Heat stroke is very dangerous to pets, specifically rabbits. It is as dangerous as heat stroke in cats and heat stroke in dogs. Rabbit is more prone to get heat stroke […]

19 Best Food to Keep Your Rabbit Healthy

Keeping health of pet animal is our duty as pet owner. We should give them right and balance nutrition to support their development. Why the right food is not enough? Because the right food if you give it too much over your pet, you will lost the benefit that contained inside it. The benefit that […]