8 Common Diseases in Stone Magpies

Do you love stone magpies? In Asia, stone magpies are believed as one of the birds that could bring good luck. That is why they put some concern about common diseases in stone magpies that look similar to some diseases that often attack canaries.

Stone magpies are classified as omnivores that eat insects, small amphibians, mice, fruits, seeds, and many more. They usually love to live in the wildlife such as open landscapes, woodland, and even around the park that looks similar to some types of fruit-eating birds.

As for wild birds, stone magpies are popular with their intelligence. They are aware of some similar dangerous food that is poisonous to your pet. But once they are attacked by common diseases in stone magpies, it could be dangerous for their life.

If you are wondering what common diseases in stone magpies are, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Magpie pox

Magpie pox is one of the common diseases in stone magpies that cause by the pox virus. It can attack most stone magpies, and the younger has a higher risk to be affected rather than the oldest stone magpies.

Some symptoms of magpie pox can be easily detected when they appear on their skin like a wart but could grow and look similar to scabs. They will become lethargic, lose their appetite, sneeze, cough, and weight loss.

Magpie pox can be prevented by giving stone magpies some nutritious food. Moreover, getting them in iodine bathing regularly can be an effective way to avoid and treat the virus as well.

2. Salmonella

Salmonella is one of the common diseases in stone magpies cause by the salmonella bacteria. They could easily attack stone magpies with food that comes from a portion of unhealthy food.

Salmonella can be easily detected by some symptoms, such as being lethargic, failing to recognize some danger around them, staying near the food but losing appetite, and getting weak.

Salmonella can be prevented by giving stone magpies hygienic food. If they are living in the wildlife around your environment, help them to get a clean environment.

3. Trichomonosis

Trichomonosis is one of the common diseases in stone magpies that is caused by some problem in the digestive system. Some stone magpies can be affected by unhealthy food, which leads to getting digestive problems.

Trichomonosis would affect the stone magpies when their digestive system is unwell. Some symptoms could be easily detected, such as having a difficult time swallowing the food, swelling around the throat area, and quickly spitting the food.

Trichomonosis can be treated by giving stone magic dry bathing and stopping giving them food temporarily until they look better.

4. Metabolic bone disease

Metabolic bone disease is one of the common diseases in stone magpies caused by calcium deficiency. Stone magpies that live in wildlife commonly will easily be attacked similar to some of the animals in the Borneo rain forest.

Metabolic bone disease in stone magpies can be easily detected by some symptoms, such as tremors, weakness, hardly moving, seizures, looking more depressed, and pathologic fractures.

Stone magpies that are already affected by metabolic bone disease could be treated by a veterinarian or by giving them highly nutritious food that contains higher calcium and vitamin D.

5. Iron storage disease

Iron storage disease is one of the common in stone magpies caused by excessive iron accumulation in their liver. Genetic roles commonly become the main cause of this kind of disease in stone magpies.

Iron storage disease in stone magpies can be detected from some symptoms, such as weight loss in quick, looking more depressed, dyspnea, anorexia, and circulatory failure.

Once stone magpies are affected by iron storage disease, they should get the right treatment. Bring them to the veterinarian is the best choice before the worst thing happens.

6. Iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency is one of the common diseases in stone magpies caused by a lack of iodine. Some wild stone magpies commonly get easily attacked by this kind of disease because of their eating habit.

Iodine deficiency can be prevented by giving stone magpies a higher nutritional food such as pellets. Nowadays, most pellets already contain nutritious vitamins and minerals that are good for stone magpies.

Wild stone magpies commonly need help, and you can easily help them by giving them some food around their area. They were commonly shown around the park near the human environment for seeking food.

7. Vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency is one of the common diseases in stone magic caused by a lack of vitamin A. It could affect the stone magpie’s vision, such as sinuses into the reproductive tract.

Vitamin A deficiency in stone magpies can be detected by some symptoms, such as sneezing often, conjunctivitis, feather picking, anorexia, and poor feather quality. Poor diets on them should be avoided so that they won’t be affected easily.

Vitamin A deficiency in stone magpies can be prevented by giving a supplement of vitamin A and supporting a good diet.

8. Poisoned

Poison is one of the common diseases in stone magpies that is caused by something that poisoned them. It can be from metals, tobacco, PTFE gas, similar poisonous food to your dog, and many more.

Stone magpies that live in wildlife could be easily poisoned by one of those things above. As they try to find food, sometimes they avoid something that could poison them without them knowing it.

Poison could be prevented by supporting the area around them from anything that could harm them. Bringing them to the veterinarian is a better thing to do for the best treatment.