20 Warning Signs That You Must Take Your Dog to The Vet – Immediate Handling

Symptoms of the disease in dogs can vary, ranging from mild to severe and requires medical treatment. Some of the symptoms that a dog has may indicate a disease, but it is not a severe type of disease and does not require immediate treatment. Other symptoms such as loss of consciousness, seizures, difficulty breathing or other symptoms may be an indication that your dog needs veterinary help as soon as possible.

The following are warning signs that you must take your dog to the vet!

If the signs below occur in your dog, don’t wait to see a doctor. Signs like:

1. Bleeding

Uncontrolled bleeding can cause dogs to lose consciousness and even death. If the dog has bleeding in a part of the body that you cannot stop, press the part with a clean and dry cloth and take the dog immediately to the vet.

2. Respiratory problems

If your dog’s breath is tight, panting, and the sound of his breathing tight with the tongue that might be swollen or bluish, bring your dog to the doctor immediately.

3. Suddenly weak

If your dog suddenly looks very slow (much slower to move than usual) or if he does not want to get out of his cage or does not want to come when you call, even though you have persuaded him with his favorite toy or favorite food, this could be a sign that there is a serious problem in his body system. You need to know about How to Make a Dog Listen to Your Command.

4. The stomach is enlarged/swollen

If your dog’s stomach is swollen and he looks in pain, which is shown by means of whining or crying when you touch his stomach (even though he doesn’t vomit), this could be a sign that he is poisoned or has serious kidney problems.

5. Something that makes him very sick

If your dog is moaning or crying and does not want to stop or if he jumps, cries, or even bites you when you touch a part of his body, maybe it’s a sign that your dog is trying to tell you that something is wrong. You must know about Signs That A Dog Secretly Upset At You.

6. Changes in body temperature

The dog’s normal body temperature is between 38-39 degrees Celsius. If the body temperature drops less than 37 degrees (cold) or the temperature rises above 40 degrees (the heat shown by panting), then he needs to be taken to the veterinarian.

7. Seizures

If your dog has a seizure, he will definitely look scared or confused for no reason. If he stands or walks, he might fall. Then, his body will shiver and tremble for a few minutes.

He will become unresponsive as long as it happens. When it has subsided, he will look lethargic, confused, and most likely afraid of not knowing what had just happened to him.

This is an important reminder, don’t try to resuscitate your dog when the dog is seizure. Just make sure his head is in a position where he doesn’t choke or bite his tongue. Talk gently to him and gently pat him until he is fully aware and takes it to the vet.

8. Loss of consciousness

Loss of consciousness can appear from signs such as staggering or falling suddenly, trembling, sudden withdrawal, unresponsive to sound or touch, sudden blindness, or even coma.

Sometimes it can also be seen from the attitude of the dog that tilts the head or bites things that don’t exist as if biting something.

9. Symptoms that are staying more than 1 day

Read the following list. If there is one of the lists below that occurs in your dog and does not disappear after 2-3 days, then your dog needs to be taken to the vet.

  • The hair becomes dull, dry, and the skin peels off.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • A cough.
  • No appetite.
  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Paralyzed
  • Limp.
  • Large changes in urine or vomiting.

10. Excessive coughing

Dogs can occasionally experience coughing. However, if a cough lasts long and does not go away, there may be serious problems in your dog’s body.

Coughing can be an indication of diseases such as bronchitis and worms in the heart of a dog. If your dog coughs excessively and keeps coughing for more than 1 day, you should immediately check with your nearest veterinarian.

11. Dogs don’t want to eat

A sick dog will experience changes in appetite. If the dog is sick, then his appetite will decrease dramatically until he does not eat a day or more. This is one of the warning signs that you must take your dog to the vet.

Some of the causes are that he is stressed by moving to a new place or is giving birth. If your dog does not experience these 2 things, take it to the doctor because it could be your dog has a certain disease. Please check about Tips to Help A Malnourished Puppy to Gain Weight.

12. Glazed eyes

The dog’s eyes can show various things, from their feelings or the pain that he suffers. If the dog’s eyes turn into glazed it can be a sign that your dog is experiencing health problems. Check immediately if you see your dog’s eyes are glazed and he doesn’t want to eat at all for one day. Read also about How To Tell That Your Dog Is Truly Sad.

13. Red eyes

Red eyes indicate that your dog is experiencing health problems such as fever. If he experiences reddened eyes all of a sudden (without any indication like he is playing out causing dust to cause irritation), then you should see your dog immediately to the doctor because your dog may have a fever.

14. Eyes turn yellow

If your dog has liver disease, then one of the indications is that your dog’s eyes will be yellowish. If your dog’s eyes suddenly turn yellow, you should see a doctor immediately before any undesirable things happen.

15. Damaged eyes

Broken dog’s eyeballs are characteristic of your dog experiencing worm infection. Roundworm worm larvae are one of the main reasons why your dog’s eyeball can be damaged so your dog will lose sight.

If your dog is newly born, or you have a mother dog that is pregnant or after pregnancy, you should be careful if you see something in your dog’s eyes. Check with the doctor and ask for advice to prevent infection or migrate worm larvae to your dog’s eyeball.

16. Changes in urine color

Urine is one of the things that can show the condition of your dog’s body. If your dog is healthy, the urine will be light yellow. Meanwhile, a dark yellow urine shows your dog is having a fever. In addition, the yellow urine also shows your dog is experiencing leptospirosis. This leptospirosis disease may be transmitted from mice to your dog.

A urine containing blood indicates a problem in your dog’s kidney. Problems with the kidneys can mean that the walls of your dog’s kidneys are injured so that the kidneys are not optimal in performing their functions while also causing blood to be carried away and wasted in the urine.

If this happens you should immediately check your dog with your trusted veterinarian. Because if it’s too late, your dog’s kidneys will become more problematic so the absorption of nutrients from the food given to him will not be optimal. This is very dangerous because it can cause death.

17. Diarrhea

Diarrhea in dogs can indicate that your dog has problems with worms that interfere with his digestive system. In addition, diarrhea shows that your dog’s digestion is still adapting to the sudden changes in the food you give. If you do not change the food you give to your dog, and your dog has diarrhea, it shows your dog is having worms or other serious health problems.

18. Problems with your dog’s poop.

If the things below happen to your dog, take it to the doctor:

  • Dog poop that is bleeding, or contains blood can indicate there are severe problems in your dog’s digestion. It could be that in your dog’s digestive system there is a bacterial or viral infection. The infection or virus then interferes with your digestive system, such as injuring the wall of the digestive tract of your dog, causing blood to be carried away in the feces released by your dog.
  • Black poop can show a serious problem in your dog’s digestion. This black color can show that in your dog’s digestive system there are infections from bacteria or viruses that disrupt your dog’s digestive system. You should immediately bring your dog to the nearest vet to be examined immediately and know what health problems are bothering your dog. Thus, your dog will be healthy faster.
  • Dog poop that smells more than usual can indicate a serious problem in your dog’s digestion. It could be that in your dog’s digestive system there is a bacterial or viral infection.

However, if you do provide food that has strong smells, it might not be a big problem. However, it is safer if you check your dog with a doctor when the poop he has has a really bad smell.

19. Excessive saliva and bad breath

Your dog will sometimes salivate from his mouth as a sign that he is hungry or something else. However, if the excess saliva and the mouth of the dog has a very sharp smell, it can be a sign that your dog has a problem in his mouth like a tooth that needs to be pulled from the mouth of your dog.

Other symptoms such as eating less, your dog has difficulty chewing, or if you touch his mouth your dog will move sensitively, this could indicate another problem that you should immediately know so that your dog’s condition is not getting worse.

20. Other signs

If you feel your dog has eaten or drank anything that might be poisonous or sharp objects, take it to the doctor immediately. If your dog has an accident, falls or is involved in a fight, he must be examined by a veterinarian for signs of injury, shock, or trauma.

These are some warning signs that you must take your dog to the vet. The sooner the better. Bring to the doctor to find out the cause of your dog experiencing health problems and overcome by a veterinarian so that your dog becomes healthier faster.